Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Another day came and went but thankfully Jenny was finally beginning to leave her chamber. Ian fluttered around her like a mother hen, making sure she was alright. Finally by supper she had enough of his hovering and ordered him to leave her be for the remainder of the evening. In his stead Daniea was invited to dine with her upstairs leaving the men to fend for themselves.

The more time Jenny spent with Daniea the more enamored she became with the woman. She found her very relatable in that they both were rough-hewn and crass. Daniea's generally brazen personality and no nonsense way about her made them quick friends; while her quieter side and withdrawn air provoked Jenny's more curious nature. A mystery that Jenny was eager to uncover.


"So Jamie, how was yer outing yesterday? Did ye return the lass's shawl yet?" Ian teased from across the dinner table. Murtagh who had been savoring his stew, looked up, his eyebrows raised.

"It was extremely pleasant if ye must know." Jamie slurred between bites. "And yes, I returned it this morning."

"Lass? Yer courting someone?" Murtagh inquired as he looked upon Ian who seemed to barely be holding in his laughter.

"Aye I believe he is, and if I'm not mistaken it's a seamstress from the village."

"Courting is a strong word, but yes I am enjoying her company...and ye best be keeping yer teasing to yerself tomorrow night. She will be joining us fer dinner." Jamie proclaimed, taking a deep drink of wine as he avoided Murtagh's shocked expression.

"How many times will this make that ye have seen her this week? Must be four at least." Ian retorted, "At this rate we'll be calling her Lady Broch Turach by planting season but I suppose... when ye know know."

Jamie became rigid in his chair, Ian had a struck nerve that Jamie wasn't aware existed.

"Aye, just like when ye knew with my sister." Jamie gritted back, trying to keep his face void of emotion.

An hour later Jamie made his way to bed, severely drained by the evening's conversation. An otherworldly lullaby entranced him, guiding him to Fergus's cracked door. Peering inside he discovered Fergus crying hard into his hands as Daniea wrapped herself around him.

Her fingers combed through the boy's curls as she soothed him with a french lullaby. She rocked the poor lad back and forth. Guarding him against his night terrors as she had many a night in France. In between his gasps he mumbled incoherently, urging Daniea to hold him tighter.

Feeling as if he was prying into a private moment Jamie began to back away. Once in his own room he could still hear her sweet lullaby from down the hall. It's lingering notes soothing him as he fell asleep, her ring clasped gently against his chest.


Sorcha arrived early the next day so that she could present Jamie with his finished kilt. In appreciation he decided to wear it the remainder of the day; her smile contagious as he strolled with her around Lallybroch until sundown.

Murtagh warned Daniea to stay away that night and share supper upstairs with him; but unfortunately she had to refuse because Jenny was attending and expected her to partake.

To keep busy she worked in the garden with Ian and helped Jenny while she got use to doing her chores once again. When she found a chance, she would sneak into the pasture and spend a few minutes with Raven and his pasture mates. Murtagh, ever watchful as she happily dolled out a few unneeded treats that the horses thoroughly enjoyed; all the while stealing hugs from the stallion.

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