Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Jamie made quick work around the castle finishing up his tasks before seeking out Fergus. Like many other boys his age, Fergus was there and gone. He was pleased to see Jamie up and about but was thoroughly distracted by his peers, who constantly wanted him to join them for fun. After everything the lad had seen and heard, Jamie thought it best to delay informing Fergus about Daniea's situation until it was absolutely necessary. So he set up housing and an allowance for the boy with Dougal while he was away and went on to find Alec at the stables.

Knowing what was reality and what wasn't was the first true step to Jamie's recovery. Alec had borne witness to many weeks of his hallucinations and the perfect person to begin gathering the information he needed to sort out his life.

Following many hours of speaking with Alec he ventured forth from Leoch to the countryside haunts he visited before leaving for France. He knew he had to retrace as many steps as he could before the memories, that had become nightly terrors, plagued him permanently.

It was near midnight when Jamie finally returned to Leoch after his attempt of unraveling a portion of the puzzle his mind had become. As he mulled over all he had learned, he realized he would be leaving in just a few short hours to return to camp. That thought alone prevented him from sleeping, so he laid on the stone floor by the fireplace sipping on a small glass of whiskey; anxiously twirling Daniea's discarded wedding band between his fingers.


Raven pounded his hooves against the stall door eager to get on the road. By the time Jamie had saddled him up and mounted, it took every bit of his masterful control to keep the beast from bolting towards Cranesmuir. The journey was slow to start but once they had weaved their way through the village, Jamie finally gave the horse his head and allowed him to gallop the few remaining miles to the encampment.

Rupert and Ned who were enjoying a meal around the campfire were the first to notice Jamie's presence. After a hearty greeting Jamie looked around for those missing.

"Murtagh is with the horses filling his pipe and Angus is down at the stream helping the Lass." Ned chirped.

Jamie nodded, taking his leave to join Murtagh.

"Made it back in one piece I see." Teased Murtagh, happy to see him.

Jamie immediately jumped into questioning his godfather just as he had Alec back at Leoch. The urgency surprised Murtagh but he obliged the boy all the same. The two sat up with the horses for well over an hour before Jamie had been fully caught up; not only on his interactions with Murtagh but the ones Daniea had discussed with the men as well. He was a swirling well of relief and sadness but at least his mind was beginning to clear.


Angus finally appeared over the hill towards the end of their conversation; reclaiming his place by the campfire to dry his plaid and fill his belly. Jamie patted him on the back as a way of greeting.

"Ye get what ye needed finished?" Angus inquired, taking a hearty swig of his whiskey bottle.

"Aye. Where's?"

Angus pointed behind him. "Lass is still in that creek, I tried to help as long as I could but that frigid water bout froze ma cock off."


Jamie trudged through the fallen leaves and brush towards the crest of the hill overlooking the creek. The sunlight sparkled over the water blinding his view till he was most of the way down the ridge. A few yards away he spotted her, the sight of her naked back made him fight for breath. He remained silent as he crept towards her, taking notice of her drenched chemise draped over a fallen log to dry.

From where he stood he could see faint scars that criss crossed her body intermingling with blotches of raw skin.

"Daniea." Jamie called, his voice guttural as he failed to look away from her bare torso. The water swirled around her as she jerked her arms up to cover her chest. She twisted her head a fraction towards his voice, her presence anchoring him to the spot.

It was a matter of seconds before his manhood betrayed him; his stare focused on the crystalline beads of water trickling from her raven locks, down her ivory curves.

"I wasna sure ye were coming back." She admitted, turning her body more towards him. Her head hanging, eyes closed.

Jamie stood lost for words, his focus solely transfixed on her.

"I am fine here by myself. So please... feel free to take yer leave of me."

"Daniea, I..."

She could hear the anguish in his voice.

After much internal debate she fully turned towards him, raising her head and luminous emerald gaze to meet his own.

Heavy splashes surged the waters as he moved towards her without a second thought.


"Ye can see!" He revealed, threading his fingers through her soaking hair.

"It burns something dreadful but yes."

Daniea tried to maintain eye contact but soon her eyes began to water, forcing her to once again close them.

Jamie's hands drifted, the tips of his fingers tracing delicate swirls down her shoulders. The tender contact made her breath hitch as she allowed her arms to slacken and fall to her sides.

Without thinking Jamie bent over, dragging his lips along the edge of her ear as his hands moved lower; caressing her skin towards her partly submerged hips.

His heart thundered as the swell of her breasts pressed against his chest. Only a few thin layers of fabric separating them. Even though her skin ached horribly, his careful strokes reawakened a need Daniea believed she would never again experience.

Gradually she slid her forearms up his chest, eagerly entangling her fists within his auburn curls; her body now standing flush against his. His dire need for her ripped a deep growl from his throat while he kissed and nipped along her jaw; working his way towards her trembling lips. The unrestricted access to her body made him swiftly harden beneath his heavily sodden kilt. Instinctively, she ground herself against his length making the burns on her abdomen flare to life; but her yearning devoured her senses. She pulled away for an instant, gulping down air as she forced her eyes to open; only to be enthralled by the depthless sea of cobalt looking back.

Jamie couldn't help but smirk as he fondled her hips, coaxing them to spread slightly. Her body obeyed his silent request, allowing him access to firmly nudge her mound through his plaid making her core molten. Roughly she dug her nails into his shoulders, yanking him towards her so she could close the distance between their lips.

"Hey down there! Did the Lass kill ye?" Came a shout from above, cleaving them apart.

"Get yer arses up here! Her tea is ready."

Daniea sank down into the creek till the water rose just above her ears. Jamie on the other hand, turned away from her, kicking at the water as he cursed; his ears hot from the blush spreading on his skin.

"Go on, I'll be there shortly." Daniea ordered.

"Aye." He snapped as he readjusted himself, not bothering to argue.

Daniea didn't move a muscle until he was out of sight. Her emotions twisting within her like a coiled snake.

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