Chapter Thirteen

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Before I begin, I would like to mention that I have started a new story called Upholding Expectations. It would mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out and let me know what you think.
Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled program.
Trigger warnings: violence, pain

The last thing Grian remembered was kneeling in the snow. After that everything went dark.

Even now as his eyes slowly opened, he didn't know what to make of his situation.

He was lying on a mat on the floor. The entire room was pure white and the walls were cushioned. On the far side of the room was a white metal door.

Even his clothes were white. A loose fitting t-shirt and flowing white pants that were so long they bunched around his ankles.

He sat up and winced. Craning his neck he saw that his wings were bound behind his back by some kind of white cloth. He couldn't move them at all.

Don't freak out. Don't make any sudden moves  his brain counseled.

15 years of hostage and torture training had prepared him for this sort of situation.

He first checked his arms, legs, chest, and face for injuries. The only thing he found was a lump on the back of his head.

Is that how I passed out?

His hand went to his neck to check his pulse but he drew back suddenly when his fingers grazed metal.

Carefully, he stroked the metal that encompassed his neck. He couldn't see it, but it was thick and heavy, digging into his collar bone ever so slightly in a way that was uncomfortable, but tolerable.

A tracker maybe? Or something to deliver sedatives?

He stood slowly and felt himself struggle to remain balanced. That's when he realized how badly he was shaking.

Calm down  he urged his beating heart. You are not in immediate danger. Save the freak out for when it's called for.

He walked around the room, pressing and pulling on the cushioned walls to see if there was any weakness. There was not, but he did find three hidden cameras. The thought of someone watching him sent a shiver down his spine.

Ok ok it's fine. You're fine. You haven't done anything wrong yet. At least... he tried to think of something positive to calm himself down. At least your friends are safe. At least Mumbo...

He smiled sadly and felt a lump form in his throat.

No  he schooled himself. Rule #1 of being a hostage. Don't show any fear or sadness.

He shook out his arms, trying to rid himself of emotion and walked up to the metal door.

It was securely fastened and didn't even have a handle. There was a window at the top but Grian was too short to see out if it even when he jumped. He tugged at the cloth around his wings but it didn't budge.


Suddenly there was a loud beeping noise and the crackling of a microphone. Grian jumped a foot off the ground in surprise and backed away from the door.

"Ahhh I see you're awake!" Came a distinctly familiar voice.

The door buzzed and opened. Two men in black masks walked into the room. Grian ran to the opposite wall.

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