Chapter 3

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I heard the scream, and fell to my knees. Jason looked at the sky warily. "What was that?" He asked. My eyes widened. "It was Violet!" I shot into the sky, flying as fast as I could towards the sound. I saw her body, then it disappeared into the mist. "Violet! Don't leave me again!"

I screamed, flying towards her. She reached out a hand for me to grab, then she disappeared completely. "NO!" I screeched. Jason pulled me back, as my Aunt appeared in the place of Violet. "Oh~ It's finally you. How I've waited so long for this." She disappeared and appeared on top of me, throwing down shadow bolts. I blocked with wind, then stabbed her with ice. She hissed, and fell to the ground. She disappeared into shadow. "THIS IS NOT OVER!" She screamed. I sighed, slowly dropping to the ground onto my knees. She was gone. Violet was gone. Again. "Violet!" I yelled.

Tears dripped slowly down my cheeks. Jason flew down beside me and rubbed my back. He turned my face to face his, and wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb. "C'mon... Don't cry Finn.. We'll find her." Jason grabbed his wrist and flew back to they're camp. Millie looked at Finn, concerned. "Will he be okay?" She whispered to Jason. "I hope so.." He cast me a side-long glance. The bushes quivered and four shapes appeared. "Greetings! We are the Wood Elves of the Great Forest." The Elves moved closer. "I'm Aria and this is Okalyn and Ava." A large shadow crossed the sky and a giant red dragon flew down. They all looked up. "Who the-?" I said, staring at the dragon. Mist engulfed the dragon and a person dropped down onto a giant branch. "You all left me!" He grinned, jumping down. "So why are we here?" He looked at the Elves. "I heard someone scream."

"Is everyone okay..?" Oaklyn walked around checking everyone for wounds. "They all look good, so who screamed?" She looked at me. "My sister.." I looked down, not bearing to speak her name. Violet.. Jason put his hand on my shoulder. "His sister Violet was taken by his Aunt, who also killed his mother." He explained, while I shuddered at the thought of my Aunt slaughtering Violet, the only family I had left. I looked up, feeling the warmth and pride fill my chest like a warm fire. "We're going to save my sister. No matter what." I looked to Jason, who nodded solemnly.

Another figure emerged from the bushes, and it lifted it's head. "Tamsin!" Oaklyn ran up to give her older sister a hug. "Hi, Oaklyn." She rubbed her sister's head for a moment before looking around at the group. Her eyes rested on Maverick. She scoffed. "Thought we left you behind." She grinned, and punched his arm. "Ow-" He glowered.

A rock plummeted from the sky. "What-?" A figure stood. "Miss me?" It grinned. Tamsin growled. "You again?" He frowned. "You aren't glad to see me?" He turned. "I am Oppa." He bowed slightly, then fixed black leather gloves studded with black glowing spikes. "Hell no Oppa you almost got us killed and that would have been the end of our friendship." Tamsin growled. "Why are you so rude Tamsin...?" Oppa sighed looking at her, no longer smiling. "Because if you killed us I would kill you in spirit." Tamsin hissed, balling her fists.

He looked down, fake sadness filling his eyes. "And here I thought I would tell you the location of Violet and how to beat my Mother. Well! I guess that's not happenin' ain't it!" Oppa laughed hysterically then flew off in a blast of smoke.

"Welp, I gotta fly." Maverick turned into a dragon and roared, then flew off. "Where's he going?" I asked tipping my head. "To find Oppa, he's the only chance to find you sister." Tamsin looked at me. "How did you know she was my sister..?" I gave her a confused glance. "I can read minds, got it from our dad."

"Our?" I moved my feet facing towards her. "Me, Ava and Oaklyn are sisters. "Oh that's why you are so close." I glanced at Oaklyn and Ava to see them hugging. "They have always been close. Oaklyn witnessed the death of our father, so she is very sensitive of death so she taught herself how to heal. "Oh cool, Millie is a healer." Jason pointed to Millie and Millie waved. Oaklyn walked over to Millie her hands covered with light honey-colored gloves. "Why do you wear gloves?" Millie took her hand looking at the light honey-colored gloves. "They control my powers." She took one glove off. A small flower spouted out of her hand. "Wow." Millie poked the flower seeing it was really growing from her hand.

"Yeah, I have nature powers." Millie stomped her foot and a tulip sprouted where her boot print sat in the soft grass. "Awesome! I could teach you how to heal if you want!" Oaklyn beamed. "That'd be cool!" Millie followed Oaklyn deeper into the forest. "We'll be back before nightfall."

"Be careful." Jason rubbed Millie's head. She rolled her eyes and jogged out of view. The large shadow of Maverick blocked out the sun once more, and he shifted into his Elven form. Oppa stood beside him, looking smug. "So you do need my help after all." He smirked. Tamsin turned to him, shaking with anger but huffed and turned her back to him.

Next Morning...

I muttered, sitting up. Oppa was in a nest he made out of some old clothes, sleeping soundlessly. I crawled out of the tent as quietly as I could, staring at the rising sun for a moment. "It's too early for the sun to rise." I looked at my watch. There was something up with my wasn't moving. I heard a voice and I looked behind me. A human stood there,but he looked familiar. "Finn we need to talk."

"Who are you?"

"Its me Oppa...can you not tell?"

"I thought you were a crow."

"I've trained in the art of manifest."

"So that is what allows you to turn human."

"Indeed."I looked at the tree where Oppa's nest was, but he was still there.

"If your Oppa who is that?"

"That is me,but in the real world." Oppa fixed his gloves.

"Where are we now..?"

"In the dimension of the Genjutsu I put us in.."

"What in the world is that?!"

"It's a technique I learned from a land far from here".

"Well why am I here" Asked Finn.

"Because I want to explain the reason I'm here."

"I was originally sent to kill you, but I've chosen a better path".

"Good to hear." I said.

"But I know where your sister is."

And as he said those words I felt my eyes light up like a lamp, but as that moment went by I was warped back to reality with a loud thud.

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