Chapter 7

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"EW!!" Violet cried, turning away before she lurched over and threw up. Oppa stood up, this time he had no large black feathered wings. "You're human now?" Hypto said, shifting into her human form as well. "It appears so."

"That's just plane nasty!" Violet held her mouth. "Not for me." Oppa looked at her. Oppa looked at his hands feeling strange. Oppa engulfed into a black cloud of mist and as it cleared Oppa stood there as a crow. "This is not very helpful." Hypto giggled looking at Oppa. "Remember you have my powers." Hypto started laughing. "Not funny!"

"It really is." Hypto morphed into her cat form looking at Oppa. "Now I can call you crow-brain actually meaning it." Oppa walked up to hypto pecking her head harshly. "Oww!" She growled. "What you deserve!" Oppa cawed. Hypto prodded Oppa on the head. "Just sit back and relax. All will be well soon." She started kneading him, then started digging her claws into his soft feathered head. He cawed and tried getting away, but she held him down and started choking him. Jason stormed over. "Hypto, you can't eat him!" He pried her off of Oppa, and she mumbled, hissing at him. Jason popped Hyptos head. "Stop Hypto." Jason grabbed Oppa setting Hypto down.

Violet came over and picked up Oppa, holding him like a baby. She carried him over to a tent and put him down, him flopping on the soft ground. She sprinkled glowing white dust on his head, and the scratches healed. "There you go, weird bird-man."

"Get your hands off me!" Hypto hissed, dropping down onto the sand and a swirling portal appeared, and she dropped through it. She appeared over the sand, sitting on the car and drew her paw over her ear. "When could you do that!?" Finn growled, his face covered in scratches. "For a long time now." She turned in a circle laying on the car. "Good grief she is rude." Finn turned around flopping on a chair. "Yeah she really is." Jason muttered, sitting beside Finn. Violet carried the newly healed Oppa out of the tent, and sat down beside Finn. She laid Oppa down on her lap, petting his back. Hypto growled looking at Oppa.

"We can't argue now. Not when a threat like Aggro is here. "Oppa I suspect your mother let's Aggro do her dirty work." Jason said, turning to the crow that was straining in Violet's grip. "Yes." He wheezed, still struggling. "Okay Violet don't hug him so tight." Jason sighed, trying to tear the straining crow from her grasp. "Everyone, stop. We need to train now, to get ready for Oppa's mother and Aggro." He grumbled, walking to the jeep and slamming the door.

"Everyone is in such a bad mood today." Violet mumbled. "Well, let's hope that We can beat Aggro and his mother. He is right though." Finn said as he walked by, grabbing her hand and dragging her into the black jeep wrangler. Everyone else followed slowly. Hypto grumbled jumping into the car from the side. "Why do we have to train? Why can't I just.. Send them to another dimension?" She asked, grumbling. "My mother's powers go beyond different dimensions, child." Oppa croaked, hopping over to her. Millie leaned into the window from the back of the jeep. "How long are you going to stay a crow Oppa?" She asked, brushing fiery red hair out of her face. "As long as my mother wants me to I guess." He said, doing his best to shrug, but ended up spreading his wings like a dying bird. "Or until I get my powers from this piece of fur that just came out of a cat's insides."

"Wanna say that again CROWBRAIN!"



"How about both of you shut your animal-related mouths."All was quiet as they drove from the beach to start training.

But as they drove something sinister was following them......from the shadows.

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