Chapter 4

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Violet raised her head, growling. "Ow, that hurt more than I thought it would." Violet rubbed the back of her head. "Where's that witch at?" She sneered, as It walked through the door, flaring her wings. "Oh my dear.. My name is Aggro, and my brother should be slaughtering all your friends soon.. Right there." He summoned a portal and pointed at Finn's camp. Violet rammed into Aggro and scratched his face, then dropped through the portal onto the sleeping Finn.

"WHAT THE HECK-" Finn turned over and looked at Violet. She laughed hysterically. "Sup?" She said slowly. "Violet ...? What are you doing here??" He whispered, sitting in front of his sister. "We were planning to rescue you but I guess now we don't have to." He smiled, but knew she couldn't see his expressions. Finn grabbed Violet's hand and they walked outside. Oppa looked down and cawed, then mist swirled and he wiped dirt off his suit, muttering. "Hm. This thing looks like a homeless ogre." His nose wrinkled in disgust, and Violet fumed. Tamsin placed a hand on her shoulder, and they walked into the forest talking and laughing. "Just ignore him." She patted her shoulder. "He's the homeless ogre." Tamsin snorted. Oppa glared at the two as they left.

Fear shot through Violet. "A.. Aggro...?" She turned shaking. "Stupid little kid. I finally found you." Aggro smirked, and shimmered out of view. As Violet turned around she felt Aggro speed toward Tamsin. Violet flew towards Aggro and rammed into him. Tamsin pulled out her antlers and said "I don't know who you are...but you made the wrong move messing with me and Violet!" she said. Aggro turned into a shadow and started creeping towards Tamsin. Violet noticed and carried Tamsin in the air. "Hey Tamsin wanna play Ring-around-the-rosey?"

Tamsin knew what she was planning and smirked.

As Aggro sped toward them Violet started spinning Tamsin around. As Aggro was growing near Violet threw Tamsin at full force. Tamsin punched Aggro into the ground. As trees started to collapse from the impact Aggro said; "Well it looks like you're stronger than I thought, kid." he smirked. Violet summoned a giant-ass ice spear and stabbed Aggro, but when the spear dispersed did Aggro.

He appeared behind Violet, and stabbed her with a gold spear. It impaled her stomach, and she gasped. Violet fell to the ground, crashing through the trees. "Violet!" Tamsin screeched, running towards her. Violet rolled over, groaning. "I'm fine.."

She coughed. Finn landed beside her, closing his eyes. The dream of Violet dying was stuck in his mind. This is what that dream meant... He opened his eyes, and gasped. "Jason- do you remember that dream I had a few months ago?" Jason nodded solemnly. "This is what happened!" He hissed urgently.

That Night...Finn sat beside Violet, who was laying in his sleeping bag, with a monster of a fever. He laid his hand on her head, ice spreading on her forehead. It melted right away, evaporating into mist. He sighed.

"Finn, it's dinner time." Jason sat in front of Finn with two bowls of soup. Finn shook his head defiantly. "I can't eat that. Not until Violet's better." He looked at his sister, and she groaned. His gaze dropped to her stomach, which was swollen and purple around the wound. "It's all my fault she's going to die.."

He cried, laying over her. "She's not going to die." Jason patted his back standing up. Finn looked at him, sorrow running like chips of ice in his eye. "We will all die if Aggro is still around." Finn turned back to Violet, her chest rose and fell softly as she breathed. Violet gasped for air. "Bro... Brother h.. Help I.. I ca.. Can't breath." She gasped. "Oaklyn!" Finn launched himself from his seat and ran outside. "Violet says she can't breathe!" He gasped. "Take me to her." Oaklyn ordered Finn, and he led her into his tent, Millie close behind. "Millie, I need a Poppy and a Purple Passionflower." She whispered. Millie nodded and grew them without issue.

Oaklyn shoved the flowers in Violet's mouth and she fell asleep. "She will wake soon, her pulse was way too high." Finn sighed, laying his head on the foot of Violet's sleeping bag. Violet murmured and rolled over quietly. Finn laid beside her, and Jason laid at the far end of the tent.

That Morning...

A cat ran into the tent with a loud Oof! "What was that?" Jason asked looking outside the tent. "Sorry!" The cat meowed. "Wait what? You can talk..?" The cat looked up her eyes miraculously swirling with colors. "WHAT THE HECK!" Jason fell back into the tent. The cat sat down. Violet sat up and crawled out of the tent. "OH MY GOD! A CAT!" Violet rushed towards the cat and picked it up, embracing it. The cat turned its head to face Violet's, and she dropped it. "WOAH...!" Violet stumbled backwards, then pet it's cheek. "ADORABLE!" The cat turned to But suddenly the cat morphed into a human. "

"Ummm.....?" As Violet was clueless of what just happened Finn came to Violet. "Hey V...who is that?" "The cat turned into that."

"Ok cat ...or whatever you are, what do you want?"

"My name is Hypto and I've just stumbled upon your encampment." She glared at them. "Oh okay." Finn looked at Violet in a suspicious way. . They both were unsure about this strange thing.

Later That Day...

Hypto was messing with a vine while me and Violet talked about what to do with her.

"We can't keep her." Finn murmured looking at Hypto. "But she's so small she will be eaten alive." Violet looked sadly at him. "I might have a solution." Oppa made his way over to Violet and Finn. "YOU!" said Violet hurling a ball of ice at him.

Oppa easily dodged it and made his way over. Violet was about to throw another when Finn stopped her. Oppa walked over to Hypto, Grabbing her a slinging her over his shoulder.

"Hey!" She clawed him. "Oww." Oppa cried chasing her. "Hey, leave her alone!" Violet yelled tackling Oppa. Hypto glared at Oppa wrinkling her nose. "Stupid!" She hissed. Violet scratched his face. "Hey- stop that!" He grumbled, shoving her off.

Hypto huffed, curling into a ball and drifting asleep. "Welp I guess she's not leaving." Violet Patted her head. Hypto purred. "Aww..." Hypto shifted into a cat and sat in Violet's lap, rolling into a ball. "You know we can't keep her, there are too many people in the camp." Finn grabbed Hypto by the scruff of her neck. Hypto let out a hiss and shifted into her human form. "Owww, stop." Hypto clawed at his face. As Hypto and Finn were beginning an intense conversation Violet began walking towards Oppa. "Alright Oppa I don't know what your problem is with cats is but she has to stay." Oppa looked away with a sad impression on his face. "Ok is something wrong."

"Its just I wish I could turn human but I can't."

"Why is that?"

"I can but I would have to eat a part of a human so I can use my manifest."

Violet thought for a moment...

"Would you mind giving me a piece of..."

"Wait what!" She hissed. "Well, it's true." He murmured.

"After what you have done...I would never!"

"Violet I know I haven't been all good, but I could help a lot more in my human form."

"I would never!" She hissed grabbing his shirt collar. "I'm not that stupid!" She pushed him backward. "You want to weaken me so you could kill me easily!"

"That's not true." He stood glaring into her ghostly white eyes. "I'm not as stupid as I look either." He grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.

"I will do the mission that I have to complete." He grabbed a small dagger holding it close to her neck. "Back off you big crow!" Hypto jumped clawing Oppa's face. "Get off fleabag!" Oppa grabbed her and threw her. Millie took her finger swiping it on Oppa's neck making him fall asleep. Violet grunted and kicked his side. Millie grabbed Violet's wrist and dragged her outside the tent.

"We need to keep you safe." She said. "But I'm already safe-" Violet was cut off when Millie hushed her and dragged her onto Maverick's back. He flew off, to his cave deep within the walls of the mountain nearby. He shifted downward in a spiral of smoke and brushed dirt and boot prints off his long red leather overcoat. 

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