Chapter 6

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Finn looked around wondering where he was. He looked up, seeing Aggro. He looked around him, seeing Violet beside him. "Wha- Where are we?" He said sleepily. "The castle." Aggro said, walking away. He snapped his fingers, and a large creature with a skull on its face and bat wings. It had wolf paws in the front, and hooves in the back. It snorted. "I-It's an Argus!" He whimpered, they ate demons. More like anything.

Violet hissed. "Our wings are chained!" She said, trying to free her wings. Finn tried moving his arms but they were also chained. "Oh gosh we might die." Finn glared at the Argus. "Toro! Come here now." A figure walked around the corner whistling. The Argus trotted toward the figure, purring and rubbing against its hand. The figure stepped out. "Aggro this is nonsense he's not some evil Argus." He sighed. "Trident How did you get out of your cell again?" Aggro growled, moving forward to shove him. Toro stepped in front of him and snarled, snapping his jaws. "I'm a shape shifter remember?" Trident rolled his eyes, morphing into a Starjin. Aggro grabbed extra chains grabbing his neck. "I'll take you back soon." He grunted, and then thrust an electric spear near Trident's face. "Go. Now." Toro growled, hesitating, then walked back into his cell. Trident followed. Trident sat on his knees and Toro curled around him. Toro wrapped his tail around Trident and rested his head on Trident's lap. He purred. "We will get out soon." Trident rubbed his head. Toro whimpered looking through the bars. Aggro turned back to Finn and Violet. "Now for you two follow me." He grabbed the chains that held their hands pulling them to the cell Trident and Toro stayed in. Aggro took a needle grabbing Finn's wrist, sticking the shot in his wrist. "Ow!" Finn hissed. Violet got the shot in the wrist and he threw Finn into the cell. Violet fell beside Finn not able to move. "Toro stay." Trident ran over to them both. "Are yall okay?"

"What did you do Aggro!" Trident growled. "Just gave them a shot to help them sleep for a little." Aggro snickered walking away. He folded his hands behind his back and closed the dungeon door.


Hypto grumbled. She sat on Jason's head, as he looked at the ground sitting in a camping chair. She stretched falling off Jason's head. "Ah!" She screeched. She then licked her paw as if to say; I meant to do that. Jason rolled his eyes. "Hey, where's Finn and Violet?"

"They were just here." Hypto looked around. "Their gone!" Jason looked in their tent. "Hypto get in my bag now." Jason grabbed his bag hypto jumping into it. "How should we find them?" Hypto questioned. "I think I know where they are."

"Oaklyn!" Jason yelled. "Yes?" Maverick looked at jason. "We need to fly to the castle." Oaklyn shifted into a dragon helping them on her back. "I might just walk.." Hypto tried to not get on Oaklyn. "Your coming to Hypto!"Jason grabbed her, she shifted into a human. "Okay! Gosh!" She tightly grabbed Jason her nails digging into him. "Hypto your nails are sharp!" Jason growled. "Sorry.." She mumbled releasing her grip some. "That's better." He sighed, Oaklyn shifting over the clouds. "It should be right over.. There!" Jason patted Oaklyn, sending her back under the clouds.

Violet shrieked, yanking against the chains. They shattered and she growled furiously. She fell to her knees. "This is hopeless!" She cried. Trident sighed. "We thought that to, but Aggro is kinda dumb." Trident snickered, pointing to keys hanging on a keychain next to the door. "Oooo~" Violet sneered. She looked at Finn who was still asleep. "He didn't take that shot as good as I did." She mumbled. "Now to get out of here." She walked over to the door but when she touched the bars, she got zapped. "WHAT- OW!" She screamed, falling backward. "I suppose it won't be easy to get you all out then." Oppa said, standing at the sizzling bars. "Why are you here!" Violet stood reaching her arm through the bars. "Stop, I'm trying to help!" Oppa slapped her hand. "How is this helping?" Violet growled. Finn opened his eyes feeling sick. "Where are we?" He asked looking around. "In a cell." Trident stood up helping him up. Toro growled as Trident helped him. "Toro its okay he's good." Trident patted Toro's head making him purr. Toro looked at Trident then at Finn, walking over and nuzzling him. Finn smiled weakly. Oppa opened the cell and all of them collapsed out of it at once. "Whew-" A flower instantly sprouted from where Violet fell. She squeaked and hovered above them. "I'm going to have to get used to this new power.." Violet grumbled. "Mhm.." Oaklyn snorted, sitting on Jason's shoulder as a small green dragon. "Is anybody hurt?" Finn asked. "Nope! I don't think we'll ever get hurt for long." Oaklyn muttered, crossing his arms. "I feel bad for you." Oaklyn snickered. "Being a dragon is awesome!"Oaklyn yelled happily. Maverick grunted. "Show off..." He mumbled. "I heard that!" She hit him in the back of the head with her wing. "Ow that hurt!" He grumbled. "What about Trident?" Finn asked looking back seeing them. "We'll be okay." Trident patted Toro's head. "We'll come visit sometime." Toro helped Trident on his back as Toro ran off into the woods. "They were nice." Finn smiled. "I thank he's still a little high." Violet patted Finn's head. "What did they give you?" Jason asked looking at Finn. "Some shot that makes you sleep." Violet handed him the shot. "How did you get this?"

"Well Aggro gave me the shot but dropped it on the floor so when I woke up I grabbed it hoping one of you knew what it was." Maverick walked over to itgrabbing it from Jason. "Its moondust mixed with holly I think." Maverick looked inside the shot. "How do I know this!" Violet looked at Oppa. "So how did you get to the castle?" She growled. "I was already there."

"Liar! You were the one who brought us here, but you thought you could be a hero and save us!" She grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Admit it." Oppa looked at her. "I admit that I wasn't the one who brought you to him." Violet sneered. "I promise, I wasn't." He grunted. She let go of his shirt and stormed away slamming the door. "I think she's mad." Finn laughed. She walked up to a wall and punched it, making a large hole. She flew out and muttered. She glared around sitting in a tree. "He's lying I know." She started crying. Finn put an arm over her shoulder. "Hey.. You okay?" He asked quietly. "No because he's lying." Finn looked at her. "But how do you know that?" He asked hugging her. "Because I know." Violet looked down from the tree seeing Oppa. "He's not lying he didn't take us to the castle, Aggro did he did it while we were all sleeping, Oppa found us and helped us." Finn sighed. "How about you apologize." Violet nodded flying down from the tree. "Hey Oppa I'm sorry." She fiddled with her fingers.

"It's okay, kid." He said, then ruffled her hair. Violet blinked profusely. "Well that was weird.." Finn said. "Your sister is hot Finn!" Oppa said, then sped away. "WHAT THE-" Finn screeched, flying after him. "I'LL KILL YOU, PEA-BRAIN!!" Violet just watched blinking. "Uhh.. But I'm not a fire demon-" She shrugged, flying back to the beach. "Okay, Oaklyn I want you to search the border for Finn and Oppa." Violet pointed to the border of the castle. "I'll keep a look out for anyone who could harm us." Oaklyn nodded heading towards the border. "What can I do?" Hypto looked at Violet. Violet looked at her and patted her shoulder. Hypto jumped onto her shoulder wrapping her tail around her neck so she didn't fall. "Keep a watch with me." Violet patted Hyptos head making her purr. "Sounds good." Hypto purred. Hypto looked across the border seeing a glimpse of something gold. "Hey Violet I see something.." Hypto turned her head towards where it was. "What is it?" Violet looked at Hypto. "It's a sun dragon gem." Hypto tilted her head. "There extremely rare. "We could be rich"! Violet exclaimed. As Violet ranted about what to do with it Hypto noticed Oppa running towards the gem with Finn tailing him. "Ummmmm...Violet...". "Yes Hypto"? "Does Oppa usually turn into a sun dragon"? "No he do-HOLD UP"!

Violet turned to see Oppa turning a sun dragon as Finn trembled. "Hypto hold on"! As Violet began speeding towards them. Finn was getting ready to throw a storm of ice spears,but then Oppa started breathing fire mixed with shadowy outlined to it. Violet flew up it Oppa's face with an ice sword in hand. "Oppa you don't have to do this" Violet said. "Well then tell your hot-headed friend to chill out"."I hope that pun was intended OPPA"! Finn yells from the ground. "Oppa I think I understand what's going on here...what you said earlier.." "Yea ummm about that". Oppa chuckles embarrassingly. Violet conjured up a bit of ice and blew a kiss towards Oppa. Oppa, overcome by embarrassment, shifted back to normal and fell asleep.

"Now that's what I call taking a chill pill!" said Hypto. Violet started laughing as Finn flew over.

"What in the world did you do to him".

"I gave his emotions a little tickle~" Violet said. Finn, confused, flew back to the others. Violet picked up Oppa and carried him back to the beach.

"I see you found them Violet." Oaklyn said.

"Yes...I did" looking at Oppa blushing. Suddenly a shadow of Aggro appeared.

"You bird-butt"! Oaklyn said rushing towards, but just phased through him.

"Im nothing but a projection, but im here to give my brother a gift" Aggro said. The shadow dropped a box then disappeared.

"The heck..."? Oppa said coughing.

"Yea not gonna lie that was weird" Hypto said.

" Well i guess i should open it".

Oppa slowly opened the gift suspecting only to be more terrified than scared. "It's-my ar-arm"!

"Your what"! Violet screamed horrified.

"I know w-what he wants me to d-do".

And with a slow gesture he swallowed his arm. 

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