Chapter 48

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I woke up the next morning with something tickling my face. I stirred a bit and tried to shake it away, but it kept on tickling and I fought hard to open my eyes, when I did I found James planting tiny and sweet kisses all over my face. His arm around my waist pulling me close to his body and it was so warm and comfortable, I smiled and closed my eyes again.

"Wake up sleepy head." He whispered spreading more kisses on my cheeks.

"Is this rain?" I asked as I acknowledged the noisy tapping on our window.

"Yes, it's pouring rain. Merry Christmas." He said as I opened my eyes again and looked at him. He bent his head over my face and kissed my lips softly, then wrapping his arms around me he came back to his side of the bed dragging me with him. I cuddled against him and crossed an arm over his waist. I kissed his chest.

"Merry Christmas babe." I said. "It's raining so much it's even scary." I said.

"Well, it's December, it's normal." He said grabbing my left hand and looking at the ring. "You slept with it?" He asked. I freed my hand from his and raised it to the level of my eyes, it was so beautiful.

"Yeah..." I said a bit embarrassed. "It's so beautiful I didn't want to take it off." I confessed. James took a hand to my hair and began to play with it.

"How would you like to get married, big party, private thing?" He asked. I smiled imagining me marrying him. "So?" He insisted since he couldn't see my face.

"How do you want it?" I asked back and looking up at him, I rested my chin on his chest for support and he smiled.

"I prefer something private, simple, just for friends and family you know me."

"I'd rather have something quiet too."

"How about in two months?" He said.

"Really? So soon?" I asked surprised. James shrugged.

"What's the difference Andrea? We have a daughter, we're expecting another baby, we live together...I want to put a ring on your finger." He said with a macho voice making me laugh.

"You'll have a ring on yours too."

"Proudly." He told me. "How are you feeling?"

"To tell you the truth, I am feeling a bit sick right now." I told him as my stomach flipped. I got up really quick and ran to the bathroom barely having the time to kneel in front of the toilet. Soon James kneeled by my side.

"Are you alright babe?" He asked grabbing my hair as I heaved without throwing anything out as my stomach was empty.

"Yeah..." I said a bit out of breath and getting up. I washed my face in the basin while James waited behind me with a towel in his hands and when I turned around he cleaned my face.

"Kid's already giving you a hard time right?" He smiled tenderly and I nodded still a bit pale. He threw the towel on the basin and opened his arms. "Aww...come here my love." He said offering me a hug that I took and buried my face in his chest, his arms closed around me and he rocked me a bit, kissing the top of my head. "Feeling better now?"

"I feel horrible..." I whimpered a bit. "Oh...I didn't miss this part." I said and he chuckled.

"Hey kid..." He said crouching in front of my belly. "Stop bothering you mother, will you? " He put his ear on my belly and I giggled. "Are you in there?" He asked. "Say hello daddy." He grinned then looking up at me.

"Hello daddy." I said running a hand through his hair. He stood and kissed my lips.

"I can't wait to see him." He said.

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