Chapter 58

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James and I settled the wedding for March 23rd. We settled a few details together but then it was all left for me to do as he came back to studio the week after New Year. There our life went back to normal, or at least to him. He got back to his life and I still had nothing to do, so I decided to really apply for the job as I was going absolutely mad. I thought about not doing it, I had thought a lot about James's words but when Corey called me the second time to pressure me and saying a place would be available, I could no longer hold it. I went for it and delivered him my résumé

In the month that passed Sarah came back home, still with strict rules, and she came back to school too. James came back to the studio and I was left with a wedding to take care myself. Not that it didn't keep me busy, but still not the highlight of my day. Don't get me wrong, the idea of marrying him was amazing, I wanted it with all my heart, but I felt a bit abandoned to do it all alone. When he came back he didn't want to talk about it or paid little attention and if I insisted he'd go for anything I'd say. I didn't feel useful at all and that added a few points to Corey's proposal. Because of all this, I decided to give him my papers and hope for the best. I think I was on the verge of breaking and hit the floor. Maybe it was just my hormones, I was pregnant after all...

"So, he doesn't pay attention to you?" Belle asked sipping on her cup of coffee.

"He pays attention to me!" I rolled my eyes. "He just doesn't pay attention to the wedding plans and leaves it all for me to decide. I wish he was a bit more cooperative you know?"

"Why don't you tell him that?" She exclaimed. "I guess it's not so hard..."

"I don't want to bother him." I said.

"Bother him?" Belle said surprised. "Andrea, that is not bothering him, that is just telling him you'd like him to be a bit more participative. This is his wedding too!"

"Leave it..." I shook my head and looked outside.

"You look sad. I're getting married in a month and you look sad Andrea. I am worried about you. What is happening? Talk to me."

"I just feel tired, that's all."

"Is it just that? Aren't you hiding anything from me? Are you regretting the wedding?"

"NO!" I almost yelled. "I love James, I want to marry him. I don't know...I just feel tired of my life, that's all."

"You feel tired of your life?" Belle asked coming closer. ""How's that? I mean...explain! You're talking to me, your best friend. What is happening to you Andrea? You don't talk to anyone now."

"I am just tired of taking Sarah to school in the morning, then wait for her to finish it so I have something to do again and then there's the wedding, ok...that keeps me more occupied now, but I feel alone doing this."

"That you have to talk to him and tell him. That is the only way."

"Aren't you tired that it's been a month that Lars is coming back home late?" I asked her out of curiosity, and it was Belle's turn to look away from me. " feel the same way I do, only I have time to think about it and you have your work to distract you." I told her.

"Did you apply for that job?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes." I said firmly. "I met with Corey and gave him my resume. I need that job, or I am going crazy. I need my mind to focus on another thing than flowers, wedding rings, wedding dresses, food and things like that." Belle laughed loud and I began to laugh too. "But really Belle, does it bother you?" I insisted on the question.

"I like violet for the dress." She said all of a sudden and I opened my eyes at her. She was really avoiding the subject, but I was stubborn, and she should know that. "Ok..." She nodded. "Yes, it bothers me. But what can I do?" She shrugged.

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