The conversation that started it all

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It was another day in Alexandria. Rick and Jarif were having breakfast in the morning. Jarif could tell something was wrong with Rick. What is up Rick? Asks Jarif. Nothing I just been so lonely and I remembered Lori the other day. Replies Rick. Well who has caught your eye? Asks Jarif. Promise you will not tell or laugh. Says Rick. Promise. Wait let me guess, Michone! Says Jarif. No she is a really good friend. Says Rick. Tara! Says Jarif. No she is not getting over Olivia. Says Rick. Rosita! Says Jarif. No she is not my type. Says Rick. I am out of guesses. Says Jarif. Maggie. Says Rick. What! Says Jarif. She is really catching my eye. Says Rick. But she is MARRIED to GLENN. Says Jarif. I know but I can not get over her. Says Rick. Jarif was about to respond when Abraham burst through the doors. Rick Maggie needs to see the doctor at the Hilltop. Says Abraham. Glenn,Carl,Rick,Jarif,Sasha,Michone,Aron,Eugene,Rosita,and Abraham decided to go on the trip to Hilltop with Maggie. The gang piles up in the van and leaves towards Alexandria.

Rick x Maggie heart still beatingWhere stories live. Discover now