Wrath of the Savuiors

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Simon! You two are my left hand. Shouts Negan. Recently the Hilltop has not been complying with our rules. I am keeping Rick under my belt and Gavin is keeping Ezekiel under my belt too. You haven't kept Gregory under my belt. Says Negan. What do you think I should do to get him in line? Asks Simon. Show him the WRATH OF THE SAVIUORS. Shouts Negan. Right away Negan. Says Simon.

Later that night Maggie was starting to go to bed. Her mix feelings for Rick still hasn't left her mind yet. She should not be calling them feelings,emotions was better thought Maggie. She still didn't understand the stuff with Rick. Maybe she is just still mad at him about not doing anything that night. That night that will come when you won't be. Thought Maggie. She fell in her soft bed and dozed off.

At around 2 in the morning, Maggie and Sasha wake up to groans. Walker groans. The two look out the window in horror. The gates were busted open,walkers filled the courtyard. Maggie saw that the walkers were drawn to music coming from a sheilded car. The climb up to the roof to see a fire was lit near the heights. Maggie was about to go down when Sasha stooped her. Your pregnant, let me handle this. Sasha heads down and starts killing the walkers. Maggie cleared her mind and took the lead. Gregory looks out his window and turns around. Maggie decided to take the lead. You 2 shut the gates. The two guards run up and close the gates. Jesus get down there, Sasha is in trouble! Jesus assists Sasha. Sasha was having trouble opening the door to the car. Maggie saw a tractor and a idea popped in her head. Maggie got in the truck and ran over the small car, destroying the music machine. The citizens of the Hilltop cheers as Maggie gets out. You did it guys! Maggie says to Jesus and Sasha. No you did it Maggie you are the hereo.

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