The kingdom's pick up

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The king, Morgan, Jerry,and some other knights wait in a old parking lot for the Saviuors. A truck full of 10 Saviuors pulls up. Do you have what I want? Asks Gavin. Yes, replies the king. Gavin counts the fruits. There are 11. I wanted 12. Says Gavin. I doubled checked. Says Ezekiel. Go ahead and count. Says Gavin. The king counts and gasps. Where is the twelfth fruit? Asks Ezekiel. No response. Now, this is a problem. You got to pay for it. Says Gavin. One of the Saviuors pulls the trigger on the knight Benjamin. He bleeds out and dies. Morgan angry, kills one of the Knights. Richard. The Saviuors do nothing. He hid the fruit. Says Morgan. Him? Says Ezekiel. Tomorrow at dawn, I want that last fruit. Says Gavin. The Saviuors pack up and leave. The king returns to the kingdom to think.

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