chapter 1. The worst day.

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Tommy sighed. He hated this day. Couldn't stand it. It worse than any day in that god forsaken tunnel. It was the day in which he lost everything that ever mattered to him. The day they had taken her from him. Never to be seen again. There had been no news of her body, she was just missing. Another figure. Another statistic. One which left him with a gaping hole in his life, that he knew he would never recover from. He pulled himself up and began shrugging his shirt on and hastily doing up the buttons, not giving the women next to him a single glance. It wasnt that the sex was bad. It was just that's simply what it Nothing more. Nothing less. A way to momentarily forget his heart ache and unbearable loss. But as soon as the deed was done, it all seemed to rush back. There was no stopping it, it was like a ocean. Unforgiving and unrelenting in its desire to consume him and on this day only. He let it. Once a year he gave into it.
Lizze sighed, as Tommy began to put on his waistcoat and do up the cuff links. She pulled the cover of the bed up and held it against her chest. This day eighteen years she failed. And boy did she fail in the worst way possible. It was a descision that would never leave her. The what-ifs always stayed with her. If only she been stronger. But alas, she had to try and move on. To make another life for self. Being a prostitute wasnt where she pictured her life but she felt with all her past sins it was the best it was going to get. She watched the man who held her heart since she was sixteen years old pull a bunch of bank notes out his pocket and leave them on the side. " Don't" she found herself almost begging. "Not today. It wasnt about the money." Tommy just stared at her. If he didnt pay her it was almost like he was admitting his weakness. He left the money where it was and pulled on his famous flat cap with sewn in razors.
Just as he was about to turn to walk about the door, his eyes caught hold of a worn picture. He gently picked it up and almost felt tears well up at the sight of her. The picture held one of his most treasured memories, a beautiful baby girl.
She had been so chubby back then, her head covered in a dusting of thick darling hair and her eyes brighter than any emeralds. His baby. His little girl, Harriet Shelby.
Lizzie pulled herself up and stood just behind him, her gaze also rested on the beloved photo. "I cant remember her laugh." She sadly mused. " I swore I wouldnt forget a moment and now it's so hard. It's been eighteen years."
He could remember it, the innocent sound that bought joy to his heart whenever he used to hear it. It's what kept him going in those tunnels. That the suffering he was going through would ensure his daughter, where ever she may be, would still be able to laugh freely. Even if he never got to hear it again. "Please dont leave the money" begged lizzie, "we had a daughter together. A beautiful baby. Dont act like I'm just a whore." She had never let him go, even after they had lost Harry and in turn lost themselves. "We have a daughter." Replied firmly Tommy. " she isn't dead until we find a body." He couldn't give up hope, hope that she was out there, somewhere. She had to be. People just didnt disappear. Not on his watch. Lizzie however had began to believe her daughter was long gone. It was the only way she was able to function.
Eighteen years ago to the very day. September 9th. Their daughter had been stolen. They had been asleep, curled up together in bed. Eighteen and very much in love. Tommy had planned to marry her then, to complete their family and move into their own home. They had woken to Harriet screaming at the top of her lungs. But this wasnt a cry for food. This was a cry of pain. He remembered darting out of bed and into the corridor when the screaming had suddenly stopped. He had flung himself into her bedroom only to find a sight that would haunt him for the rest of his. Her crib had been empty. She had simply vanished. Lizzie had screamed. Her heart breaking at the empty room. The rest of the family had awoken when the screaming had started and they had helped Tommy search. No house in small hearth was left unturned, the police had helped too. They were on the payroll. They had no choice but to help. But every lead. Every supposed sighting had turned up to be nothing. She had simply vanished.
"Don't you think we should let her memory rest on peace." Lizze tentatively asked, as she rapped her arms around he still nude frame. "No." Tommy all but shouted. "She out there, and she will be bought home." With those last words he stormed out the room, his coat flapping behind him. He had buisness to do.
Lizzie sighed and sat down on the edge of her bed, the photo clutched in her hand as she allowed the tears to fall. They were parents without their child. They were just two broken people. Trying to live after the worst night of their lives.

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I'm really excited for this!!

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