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For what felt like an eternity Tommy stared at his daughter. He was drinking in her features like a man dying of thirst.
Her eyes were like Emeralds almost glowing with power and he knew instantly she had got them from his mother and he was truly grateful to be able to see them again. Her hair was his colouring but instead of wavy it was wild and curly and looked like it would never be tamed. She had his full plump lips which had slowly dropped out of their smirk as she too came to the realisation of the men in front of her.
He watched her eyes scan over him and suddenly her shear confidence began to waver and an uncertain look appeared in her eyes making her seem her age.
John cleared his throat "I think... we should continue this in there." He concluded with a nod towards the snug, his eyes never leaving his niece. Tommy was greatful for the input as he honestly found himself unable to move or talk. " Get Polly, Ada and Finn." Ordered Arthur as he spoke to a fellow Blinder. The man in response sharply nodded and dashed out the pub. "Come on Love." He directed at Harriet as he tried to steer her into the snug but she flinched back from his hand and strolled wordlessly into the snug, her nervous air now gone and replaced once again by confidence. Tommy slowly followed. He felt like his world had been shook and there were so many words he wanted to say, so many questions he wanted to ask and yet he couldn't seem to form any words as he just stared at his daughter. His beautiful girl.

She was stood in the corner, a cigarette hanging from her lips as she seemed to be uneffected by the events. " Right." Began Arthur when he saw Tommy still couldn't form any words. " Do you have any proof?" He questioned. Tommy was greatful, they did need proof even if she looked like him, they needed to see she was who she said she was. A lot of people would want use her as an angle to get to Tommy so they had to be sure she was who she claimed to be.
He saw her eyes roll dramatically, " is my face not enough?" She asked with a pointed look at Arthur. When she got no reply she sighed and dug into her pockets and produced a faded peice of paper. Tommy gently picked it up and he felt his heart begin to beat faster. It was her birth Certificate, it had gone missing the night she had.
He looked back up at her and he saw her eyes begin to soften. "Hello dad." She spoke softly. The flood gates opened and Tommy strode across the room and enveloped her small frame. "Hello." He breathed into her hair as her arms wrapped around him. His questions could wait. Right now his baby girl was in his arms once more and he never wanted to let go again.
After what only felt like seconds he pulled away and cupped her face in his hands, he lent in and kissed the top of her head like he used to when she was a baby. She was here. She was home.
He pulled away and suddenly she was out of his arms and into John's.
John had wrapped his arms round her and was breathing into her hair. " I'm your uncle John....God you ain't that little squirt no more" he chuckled before she was whisked of into Arthurs awaiting arms. "Hello." He breathed, "I'm your uncle Arthur and I swear no one is taking you from use again. " she returned the gesture and he head her giggle slightly before she pulled away. "Can I um..." she began to ask, "I need a drink." She all but demanded when her nervous faded. All three brothers smiled. ""Whisky?" Asked John as held up a half opened bottle. She gave a small smile and nodded as poured her a large helping. Once the glass was almost overflowing he handed it to her. She nodded her thanks and then bombed the drink in one. Tommy felt like his face was going to explode from the grin that was taking over. She was definitely a Shelby. "Is there a phone I can call my friend on ? " she asked, "shes expecting me back."
Tommy nodded and guided her through a side door towards the phone and he pulled the door shut after her to give herself some privacy. She obviously was using the time to collect herself but was too prideful to show it.
He turned back to John and Arthur just as the door barged open reveling the rest of the Shelby Clan. " Is it true?" Questioned Polly, her eyes shinning with hope. Tommy nodded as John began explaining what they knew and the birth certificate was once again passed around.
"Where is she ?" Asked Ada, her voice giving away her eagerness to meet her niece. Tommy nodded towards the door on the far side of the room. "Shes phoning her friend. Letting her know shes going to be late." He explained as poured everyone a Whisky. He gently sat down in the chair and lit a cigarette and quietly puffed put smoke. " I dont mean to... well... I'm not sure." Arthur began to mutter. Clearly something was bothering him and he didnt know how to say it. " Spit it out brother." He replied. Arthur seemed to straighten out and began to gather his wits as the rest of the family seated themselves. " shes got scars Tom. " he finally blurted out,  " and lots of them"
Tommy sighed. He wasnt blind, he had clearly seen them but he supposed some part of him was hoping he had imagined them. Hoping that his daughter hadn't been hurt. Clearly that was not the case. " and did you see the way she had the guy ?" Asked John, "shes no stranger to fighting. " The family sat in silence, the only sounds where the muffled ones inside the pub and from the door that lead to Harriet. " Shes safe now. " responded Tommy, " and when I find thos fuckers I'm going to kill them." He finished darkly. No one hurt his family. He wasnt losing her again.
The door opened to reveal Harriet, her confidence was once again shinning through. It looked like whatever her friend had said it had hit home and took away her nervous edge. She had a cigarette hanging from her lips as gestured towards the newcomers. "More family ?" She asked as she puffed away. Polly jumped up and began the introductions, hugs and tears from the Shelby family were shared. "Where have you been asked?" questioned Polly. Tommy had half a mind to shoot her when Harriet's face became blank, her smile gone and her expression emotionless. He watched his daughter take a deep breath as if preparing herself. After quickly casting his eyes around the room he found everyone was anxious. Anxious to know where she had been. She opened her mouth and began to tell her tale.

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