Chapter 5- Home

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Harriet was in shock. There was no other way to explain it. She was putting on a confident front but meeting her family had definitely put a spanner in the works. She had planned on confronting them with Hermione not on her own. And certainly not after she had assaulted a man for being too friendly. He was fucking lucky he still had hands.
She gazed at Tommy Shelby her dad. Her fucking dad. He was an impressive figure his whole being commanded power and she instantly knew it was where she had got it from. Darkness lurked within his eyes but that was understandable with the Great War. Everyman who had fought had suffered and would never be the same young men again. But there was something else in his piercing eyes. Something intriguing and no doubt dangerous. She lived for danger, she knew she would never been one of those women to settle down. She was too high strung and enjoyed the thrill of the chase much more than she should. But what ever was lurking in his gaze she desperately wanted to know.
Harriet turned to her uncle, Arthur had the same air about him that Sirius used to have, an air of madness. Sirius had kept his under control and it only seemed to surface when the fucking rat was bought up but she didnt know Arthur's limits or what set him off. She knew she had to be careful until she learned his tricks.
John looked to have classic middle child syndrome, she could tell instantly he was a loose cannon. He had taken control of the meeting so far but she had seem the subtle surprised glances he got from it. People weren't used to him taking control and already she could see how that would piss him off.
Finn was the youngest, he appeared a few years younger than herself and had a yearning look when he gazed ar his brothers. He hero worshipped them and Harriet wasnt sure that was a good thing. They all had darkness brewing beneath the storm in their eyes and soon the waves would burst through. She just didnt know if it would be a flood or a tsunami.
Ada, her Aunt , seemed naive like Harriet once was. She could tell by the way she sat further apart that there was some distance there. What caused it she didnt know but she wanted to find out.
Polly was a fierce women who had seen a lot of struggles, that much was obvious. Yet she seemed the embodiment of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Which Harriet could definitely relate too.
This was her family. Her fucking family. She couldn't believe it. And now they wanted to know the truth about her disappearance. So she told them the story her and Hermoine had devised. She explained how she had been found on a bench and taken in by wealthy couple who had been murders and that she was then left in the care of other 'family'. She almost gagged on the word. The Dursely would never be family! They weren't even fucking good enough to be scum off the bottom of her shoe but without explaining magic she couldn't go deep into that. Not just yet. She didnt want to scare them away. Harriet had to ease them into it and one day, in the future they would get the whole truth.
She went on to explain she had gone to boarding school and that once she had turned 18 she had found the birth certificate and here she was.
Silence had taken over the snug, she could almost see the cogs turning in her dads head as she lit a cigarette and inhale deeply, the smoke filling her lungs. " Well " said Polly as she stood up, " whisky ?" She finished. Officially breaking the tension that had risen in the room. Her question was met with agreement and before she knew she had a full glass of whisky in her hand, just as she was about to down it. Arthur stood up. " Too family " he toasted. Harriet smiled and clinked her glass with his and then tossed the drink bank. Enjoying the way it burned her throat slightly and filled her with warmth. The bench next to her sank slightly as her Father sat next to her, he gently took her palm that had rested on her leg and threaded his fingers through and squeezed slightly. Harriet felt herself fill with warmth and squeezed back. She was rewarded with a smile, her smile, and Tommy pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. " welcome home." He murmured into her raven locks. Welcome home indeed.

Sorry it's so short I'm still Ill but I thought I'd give you guys something! Hopefully a full length chapter should be up tomorrow!
Would you guys rather short chapters but often or longer ones but not updated as much ? Xx

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