Chapter 2 : The truth

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Harriet inhaled sharply, the smoke filling her lungs before exhaling it. She lent back in her chair, allowed herself to watch the fumes dance around the room. She passed the joint to Hermione, who accepted it with shaking hands. It was well past midnight and the morning sun was beginning to slowly rise, awaking the birds who's songs were far to happy. Harriet had awoken to Hermiones awful screams as her mind tried to place her back in that manor. Back to the torture. She had ran to the opposite bedroom and had managed to rouse her sister in all but blood. But the damage had been done, the memories had clung to sisters mind refusing to yield. So they had got up and swiftly rolled a joint to try and ease both of their nerves, to try and find some kind of peace. " I dont think it will ever go." Muttered Hermoine as she passed the joint back into Harriet's awaiting hands.
Harriet or Harry as she would rather be called, knew it would never leave them. The war had destroyed everything good in them. It had to, every seed of remorse or mercy had to be removed for them to be able to function and win. They had won the war, but lost who they were in the process. They were now just soldiers without a battle, two young girls who had seen the worst they world had to offer and expected to become functioning members of society. They both knew that would never happen.
Harry used to have such a passion for helping people, her hero-complex as Hermione used to call it, that was long gone. And Hermione could of been brilliant, she had one of the smartest minds in the wizarding world, and now she had to have a smoke or a line to get her through the day. It was a mess. A fucking great mess. "Are you going to look for them?" Asked Hermione after a few moments of silence. Harry sighed, she knew exactly who her friend was talking about, her birth parents. Harry Potter had always knew she was adopted, it wasnt a secret but no information of her birth parents had ever been found. And part of her wanted to find them, to finally have a family that cared. But then could they have really cared if they had given her up? She wasnt sure could take a more heart ache it may just push her over the edge. "Maybe." She replied eventually. " it's not like I have anything else to do." And that was the truth. They didnt have anything to do anymore. The war had ended last year after she had finally managed to off the cunt that had terrorised generations and ripped her family apart.
For a short time after the war, they had been happy, relaxed and safe. Her, Hermione and Ron, the Golden trio, had been worshipped as heroes but alas nothing good was made to last. After a few months of bliss things had began to become frayed at the seems and everything had began to fall apart. The reality of what they had done to survive and get the necessary information began to haunt them, chase them in their dreams refusing to leave.
Ron had blocked everyone, especially the two girls as though if he never spoke to them or about the events then they never happened. He spent his time fucking anything that walked and spending money as though it was nothing. Harry missed him, she did. But if that's how he was managing to cope she would leave him in peace, she had tried reaching out at the start. Wanting her first friend back but was left with nothing but a door in her face, so she left it.
Hermione and herself had gone down an even a dark route. They went after the death-eaters who escaped, they tracked them down and killed them like the animals they were. Some died more painfully and slowly than others. It was their own sense of justice, it had taken months of tracking and enquiring information but they done it. No fucker with the dark mark was left alive. They didnt deserve to live after what they done, prison time was too good for them and history pretty much guaranteed they would escape again. They never wanted a repeat of the war that ruined their childhoods. If you could even call it that. But even now that was done and they were still facing their demons.
" I think we should find them." Reasoned Hermione, "Did you ever check the stuff from Godrics Hollow?" as she stubbed the joint out, the shakes had stopped and momentarily her mind was free of those god awful memories.
Harry sighed. She had been meaning to but it was painful, it would be like looking at the life she could of had but that was never to be. But Hermione was right, she should check them. At least to know their names, their story and find out why was left in the care of strangers. She pulled herself up slowly, still feeling the effects of the weed she had so greedily inhaled and walked over to the large chest of paper work that the ministry had saved from the ruins. It had been held in evidence till after the war and she had only recently come into possession of it
" it's all in here. Want to help me look?" She asked the other girl. Hermoine got out of her seat and shuffled over to harry as she knelt beside her. Harry turned to look at her friend and saw a glint in her eye that she had so soarly missed. "Let's get to it. " responded Hermione, " there has to be something in here."

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