Chapter 4 - and then the world changed

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Tommy walked through the betting shop where the family meeting was being held. He knew what it was about, and really couldn't give a fuck. He had taken over from Arthur, who couldn't let the demons of the war go, as the head of the family. He knew they would question his choices they always did. They would most certainly question the powder trick and try and get him to defend himself or give information out. But Tommy was a man of many secrets and liked to hold information close to his chest. It kept him and everybody else safer. Even if they didnt see it. He sighed and lite a cigarette as turned into the room used for family meetings.
Unsurprisingly, he could smell the alcohol on Arthurs breath from where he was stood in the doorway. He carried on walking through the room and sat down in an armchair by the fire, still puffing quietly on his smoke. "Nipper and Henry got back from Belfast last night. They were buying a stallion to cover their mares." The boys in question nodded curtly as Arthur gestured to them. "They were in a pub in Shankhill Road yesterday and there was a copper handing out these." He produced a flyer and slammed them on the table. Tommy carefully picked one and exaimed it. The others followed suit."If you're over five feet and can fight, come to Birmingham." John recites out loud before tossing back on the pile. "They're recruiting Protestant Irishmen to come over here as Specials." Arthur expanded as he downed his whisky and swiftly poured another . "To do what?" Ada replied as she sat up straighter in the chair, he voice taking on a fringe on nervousness. "To clean up the city." Tommy responded, this was not new news. Not when he knew what he had in his arson, if anything it was pretty predictable . Arthur looked taken back by Tommy's statement.

Tommy heaved himself out of the chair and prowled like a lion around the table. He turned to everyone in the room, and addressed them as one. "He's a Chief Inspector. The last four years he's been clearing the IRA out of Belfast…." He began to explain, he paused and took a drag of his cigarette. Watching the smoke dance around the room. He looked back at his family and he could see them all sitting a bit stiffer. This wasnt the news they were expecting ."How do you know so bloody much?" Arthur shouted, defensively as he folded his arms over his cheat. "Because I asked the coppers on our payroll." Tommy replied curtly. It was his bloody Job to know everything. Did they really think he wouldnt of known?!. "Why didn't you tell me?" Came Arthur's reply as pulled out a smoke and stared at his brother . "I'm telling you." Tommy responded meeting his gaze until Arthur dropped it.

Tommy sighed as he looked over at his aunt, Polly was not happy. Livid would be better word. Tommy felt the headache begin to form all ready . She was staring at him, her lips pulled into a frown. "So why are they sending him to Birmingham?" she questioned, the words dripping with poison like a snake ready to strike. Tommy paced at head of the table. "There have been a lot of strikes at the Austen works and the BSA factory lately. Papers are talking about sedition. Revolution. I reckon it's Communists he's after." Tommy expanded, it was fairly obvious conclusion but he did omit one part. A big part for the shelby family. "So this copper will leave us alone, right?" Polly asked although some part of her seriously doubted it and she was rarely wrong. "There are Irishmen in Green Lanes who left Belfast to get away from him. They say Catholic men who crossed him used to disappear in the night." Tommy explained. John quickly stood straight almost at attention. Perks of fighting in war. "Yeah but we ain't IRA. We bloody fought for the King." John said his voice shining with confidence and recklessness. "Anyway, we're Peaky fucking Blinders. We're not scared of coppers. If they come for us, we'll cut them a smile each." He smirked the confidence practically flowing from him. John could be a loose cannon, hell if he was honest all of them could be. Some of the lads in the room snigger and smirk, they loved nothing more than pissing of the calvery. Tommy screwed up the flyer and chucked the rest on the floor, "We're just all going to have to be more careful. That's all." He stepped over to the fire and threw the flyer in.

He turned back to Arthur a challenge in his eye, "So Arthur, is that it?" he asked. Arthur nodded slowly at him. Polly stood up from her chair and He turned to face her again. "This family does everything open. You have nothing more to say to this meeting, Tommy?" she questioned him. He inwardly smirked, Polly was to sharp for her own good "Nothing that's women's business." He replied. Ada made her present known again as she stood up abruptly. "This whole fucking buisness was "women's business" while you boys were away at war. What's changed?" She challenged her eyes buring with the shelby rage. Tommy didn't even glance up at her, he had had enough of the women thinking they were still going to be running things. Couldn't they see the only reason he had let them was because they were away. " We came back." He replied sharply, before striding out the room and grabbing his coat. He needed a drink. He heard John and Arthur follow him out the door and soon they were flanking him on either side.
" Do you think they will ever get that they ain't fucking in charge anymore ?" Asked John, his signature toothpick rolling around the corner of his mouth. " They have to." Replied Tommy, he had had fucking enough of them mouthing off.
They walked in comfortable silence, as the residents of Small hearth moved out of their way and tipped their hats. The peakyblinders were the kings and everyone knew it.

They entered the Garrison, although they didnt own it. It was commonly known as their pub. They ran it. It was their turf and everybody knew that and no one challenged that. "Hello, Lads." Called Harry, the bartender as he wiped down the wooden bar. Tommy nodded in response and headed into their private snug. He sank down in one of the chairs and watched his brothers do the same. Almost instantly the hatch opened and Harry appeared. He handed over a bottle of Irish Whisky and three glass. " On the house, Mr Shelby's" he spoke and then closed the hatch. Arthur was straight over and poured them all a helping of large the amber liquid.
Tommy to the glass and almost instantly downed half of it, he felt it burn his throat and he thought back the urge to smile. This was more like it.

A few hours had flown by the once full bottle was replaced by another and they were starting to feel the merry effects. Tommy had just inhaled from his cigarette when he heard a loud crash from outside the snug. Followed by muffled shouting. Instantly all three brothers shoot to their feet expecting it to be the new inspector causing trouble but once they got out the door they abruptly holted at the unusual scene.

A table had been knocked over and the glasses shattered on the floor. A young women with curly ebony hair had a man bent over the adjacent table. She had twisted his wrist behind his back and he was squirming obviously in pain. "What the fuck is going on here then?" Demanded Arthur as he swayed slightly from the effects of the Whisky. The girl didnt turn to face them but responded by pulling the man's wrist sharply causing a grunt of pain to escape his lips. " This fucker thought it was ok to fucking feel me up. So I thought I'd show him why he should bloody listen. He was just about to apologise." She drawled, her attention still focused on the man in front of her. "What were you saying..." she trailed off the tilted her head to the side. "You know what I'm going to call you Dan. So you see Dan here was just about to say sorry." She spoke as she once again pulled sharply on his arm. " I'm sorry." Gasped the man. With that delcaired she shoved him away from her and they watched him stumble into the near by table. Tommy watched calmly pick up her glass and take a sip. "Who the fuck are you ?" Demanded John as Tommy stared at the girl. Something about her free him in and he found himself longing to look at her face. Something about her was familiar and he wanted to know her.
She slowly turned to face them and Tommy felt his world begin stumble. Their staring back at him was his own face. He felt his brothers tense and John muttered "Tommy...." as if he too couldn't believe what they were seeing. The girl smirked... his smirk and what she said changed his life. " Harriet Shelby... what the fuck is it to you ?"

So it happened!!
Please let me know what you think!!

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