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"And who's gonna be there?" I asked, smiling at Tatum. She clapped her hands once.

"One of Jonah's friends are gonna be there. Don't worry they won't bite." Tatum dismissively waved her hands as if there's a fly on her face. I chuckled awkwardly cut the food.

"Who's this friend of his?" I curiously asked. She was looking at her phone but snapped her way to me once I asked. She put down her phone- I guess she's always this active on Instagram or whatever social media she's on- her big brown eyes gaze to mine.

"What was that honey?" She asked.

"Oh, what I said is who's his friend?"

"Oh it's just Corbyn, don't worry. Corbyn's sweet and very gentle- especially to new ones." She informed me. I nodded silently.

I sat back onto my seat and thought of the familiar name, Corbyn, he seems like the guy I used to b-

Holy shit.

Corbyn was the guy who I used to bully at kindergarten. What the hell is he doing with Jonah?

I look at Jonah who has been looking at my astonished face. He must've noticed my sudden reaction- I look back at him, getting lost into his blue-green eyes that made butterflies flew around my stomach, heck he makes me lose myself. He shook his head in disappointment and continue to eat- his head hung low.

They must be friends, from all this time he made friends with the victim.

"You should bring sunscreen tomorrow, it'll be getting hot when I'm wearing my new bikinis.." Tatum joked I laughed again awkwardly.

So she's a vain person. Pity.

The music blasted my ears on this four wall room as I begin to get more vodka here- just trying to gain stability when I'm gonna be drunk soon.

I drank another glass of vodka- the bitter liquid travel down my throat, I let out an exhaling breath and dance a little of the music.

"Hey, You!" I called the same waitress earlier who's been serving me bottles of vodka. She sighed and walked up to me. "Yes? How may I help you?" She tiredly said. I glared at her and shook my head.

You're thankful that you have this job or else I would take everything away from you with a flick of my wrist.

"Get me...A-another vodka." I slurred and almost stumbled on my heels. She rolled her eyes and walk away to get it. I smiled mischievously and literally dance on my feet. Feeling the beat inside me as the music swayed my hips.

I felt my feet started to feel like Jelly and I look at them as if they are jelly. What the fuck? I raised my right foot and saw that it was okay, I shrugged and continue to dance in the music. I look at the back of me to see Jonah talking to someone who I don't know while Tatum, on the other hand, is busy doing selfies and making these grimaced faces indicating that she doesn't like the selfies she just took, You look like salmon anyway. I thought and smirked and look at my empty glass.

What does she have that I don't anyway? I mean she looks confident and kind of conceited but what's about her that made Jonah changed his mind about his standards? I look at my empty glass again and realized it, Damn, is it because I'm alcoholic Jo? Or I'm just this good friend that you can't see that she's already madly, honestly, truly have loved you since the beginning? I sighed and saw the waitress walked towards me with my Vodka. "Here you go, ma'am." She gave me a bottle. Before she can walk away I grab her wrist.

"Do you think I'm a worthless, depressed alcoholic bitch?" I asked my mouth slightly parted. breathed heavily as I waited for her answer.

"I don't know you but you seem you're not. Just alcoholic, you're not worthless or a bitch." She awkwardly said. I sloppily smiled and nodded, feeling my head started to spin like a top. I grab my purse and took fifty dollars. "here this may not be much but thanks for giving me vodka even though I'm forbidden to drink." I took her palm and handed it to her, she widens her eyes as if she's afraid to get fired. "don't worry I won't tell." Her eyes soften and nodded.

I walk to my dad and tried my best not to look drunk, "Hey, I-I'm going home. I wanna sleep." I intervened in their little talks with his co-workers as I placed my arms around him.

"Hey guys," I greeted his friends and raised my brow like a man.

"Alright, sweetie-" He stopped and smelled my breath reeked in alcohol. "Are you-" I stopped him.

"Shhh, I am alive." And walk away stumbling into different tables and wrecking some glasses as I made my way towards the door. "Your daughter is an alcoholic! Discipline her," I heard one of his friends criticized me. I couldn't quite hear what he replied but I'm sure it was nothing.

I got out of the hell hole, stumbling around until I reached my car. I unlocked it and sat down on the driver seat and let out a sigh. I couldn't drive while I'm drunk, I'll kill myself. I thought. I shrugged and turned on the ignition.

As I was about to pull the lever to back it up, I heard a knocking on my window. I quickly look away to wipe my face and slap it to look like I'm awake. I pressed the button for the window. "Hello-" I stopped and cursed under my breath.

"You're not allowed to drive. You're drunk." He demanded. I pursed my lips and chuckled lightly.

"If I were drunk, I probably embarrassed myself by now. I'm all good here, no need your help." I said gripping the wheel firmly and added a smile. He sighed and inserted his hand inside the car to unlock the door.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!" I reacted. Before I can even grip his hand away, he already successfully unlocked the door. He opened it wide and look at me with a scowling look.

Revealing him before me, I gulped down. I look away and crossed my arms together. "I'm not going nowhere."

"Scoot over, your father ordered me to drive you."

I look at him and cursed my father for bringing him up to drive me. I rolled my eyes and grab the door. "Go away, Jonah," I said through gritted teeth, hands on the door as my eyes stared to his blank ones.

"And let you die? Hell no." He pulled the door back to him and waved his hand towards me, indicating to go the passenger's seat.

My heart stammered rather fastly than normal. Did he care? Or was it a set up to let my guard down? I look away to him and on the dashboard. This is a trap. "If I'll die then I'll die, stupid." I murmured the last part so he wouldn't hear it.

"If you're gonna die, your father will be blaming me for your death- my reputation is on the line." He pressed more force to the situation. My heart broke into a million pieces.

So he's ego is much more important than me- that kind of hurt. He prioritized his reputation more than me. W-what am I thinking?! He doesn't care about me, it was in the past- that is nowhere near today. I bit my bottom lip and contemplate, I didn't want him to think that I was jealous of his reputation because he cared more of it than me, so I have to let him win. "Fine." I remove my hands from the steering wheel and move to the passenger's seat.

He got in and pull the lever. I was facing the window to avoid him, I crossed together as I keep swallowing my saliva- as nervousness started to erupt from me. How can I feel this shit? I'm drunk.

We were silent. The silence became terrifying. I smelled exactly like alcohol and that is the biggest turn off to Jonah. I grip my purse harder because the vodka is inside and I don't want anyone to steal it from me.

"You should stop drinking, it's not good for you." He suggested, his eyes never took off from the road. I look at him briefly.

Yeah, well if it wasn't for you dumping my ass this wouldn't happen. That was the words I was ready to let out but the wrong ones came out, "Crying isn't good either, Jonah." I sniffed. As I felt the liquor started to kick in again.

He looks at me for a moment and then clenched his jaws as he looks at the road. He must've realized how much he wrecked me.

Ceo of breaking hearts goes to Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich!

A/N: I'm focusing on this one, Mirrors can wait. Heheesss

Vote and comment guys! I love you all!

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