Serafix's origin

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Name: Serafix Satana.

Real Name: Carrie (u fucks ain't getting my last name so lick my piss).

Sexuality: Straight.

Gender: Female.

Age: 24.

Birth date: May 19, 1962.

Instrument: Rhythm guitar.

Hair: Long, wavy and curly black hair.

Skin colour: Literally the palest thing you've ever seen. Nixy calls me a gangsta snow white.

Eye colour: Dark brown.

Height: 5'11.

Love interests: The one and only, Cliff Burton. 

⚡️Origin story ⚡️

It was a dark and stormy night. Heavy gusts of wind blew through the frigid, damp and deserted alleyway, sending small swirling masses of leaves and other debris to tumble down the path before gathering into a pile within the concrete gutters.

I shivered a little, pulling my battle jacket around me tighter in an endeavour to stay warm; however, to my dismay, this did nothing to stop the torrential downpour of rain from getting me wet. Fucking great. I was gonna get sick for sure.

I had just been expelled from school, for the most stupidest reason. I was literally defending myself and I got fucking punished for it. Some creepy ass teacher had tried to make a move on me while I was trying to leave the classroom when the session had ended. Of course, I was not gonna let anyone do shit to me. So next thing I know, I'm beating the fucker up. My huge fists against face, completely obliterating him. I ended up breaking his nose. And if it wasn't for a bunch of students and the principal for suddenly bursting into the room, I probably would've killed the guy.

When I tried to tell my perspective of the story, no one fucking believed me. They took the teacher's side, and got me expelled. But do I care? Nope. I thought that school was a fucking waste of time anyway, and I didn't know what I was doing there. It's not like I wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer or something — I wanted to be in a band.

Which is what made me come to California. I was a guitarist, wanting to live the dream, and I knew that the only way I was gonna get there was if I pulled my head out of my ass and made the effort to get to the top.

Of course, was I thinking about that now? No. I was alone, homeless, cold and wet without a single penny to my name. I couldn't even crash at a hotel, because I had no fucking money.

That all changed. When suddenly, someone appeared at the end of the alleyway. It was an extremely tall fucker, he was way over six foot and looked like a huge, black, skyscraper. It scared the shit out of me because I thought I was gonna get killed. I don't know why I didn't move, or try to run away, I just stood there completely dumbfounded and frozen in place.

"You alwigh' there?" The man asked, as he walked over.

"Does it look like it?" I rolled my eyes.

As he came closer, I noticed that he wasn't alone. There was another man with him, who was way shorter.

"Ya need a drum ter stay for the bleedin' night?"

"What? No I don't need a fucking drum. Are you fucking insane?"

"He means a place to stay." The second man chipped in. "It's just his accent."

"Oh," I replied. "Well yeah, actually I do."

Sure he could be a potential serial killer, but I knew how to fight. Even if this dude was a bigger skyscraper than I was, I always managed to win fights.

"Ya can stay at our drum."

"Thanks, dude."

"I'm Eddie, this is me boyfriend Ren." He introduced himself before gesturing at the smaller man next to him.

"The names Carrie." I told him, shaking both of their hands.

"The car is just outside this alley." Ren informed.

I nodded in acknowledgement. As the three of us made our way towards the car, our footsteps echoing throughout the empty alley. Once we reached the car, we all sat inside. It took Eddie a few minutes to get in because of how fucking tall he was, but once he was in he started the car and we started driving out of the place.

"So what brings ya ter California?" Eddie asked.

"I wanna form a band, or join one. Either one." I responded.

"What the shit? Same here."

"Woah, fucking wait. You for real?"


"Dude we should jam," I suggested. "I play rhythm guitar."

"I play a bit of everything."

"Well, that's pretty brutal man."

"We should make the bloomin' band together, and then we can be rockstars."

"Guess we need to start fucking looking for some other members then as well."


After I met Eddie, we both became awesome buddies. He's my skyscraper buddy now since we're both tall as fuck, and his boyfriend is awesome. Shortly after, we met a chick called Vada. We started doing gigs but we were broke as fuck. So I started raiding different apartments for food and money — I know, wrong thing to do. But what else do you do when you've got no money? And it's not like people hadn't done it to us.

Course I fucking got caught when I raided the apartment of two girls called Nicole and Nina. Nina was pretty sweet, and Nicole was fucking awesome. She was as psycho and slutty as I was, and was like another half of me. And when me, Eddie and Vada found out they wanted to be in a band too, it all clicked and we came together.

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