Dusty's Origin (Refined version)

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• Pseudonym: Dusty Way Ramone

• Birth name: Vada Yori Ramone

• Gender: Female

• Birthplace: Yonkers, New York

• Date of birth: September 5th, 1965

• Instrument(s): Bass, backup vocals, tampers in percussion

• Active from: 1981-Present

• Likes: Candles, Leather, dyeing hair, fire, knives, music, more fire, the sunset strip, books, having a great time, and more fire, and makeup

• Love interest: Sami Yaffa

· Attitude: She thinks everyone is a threat unless they are trust worthy friends (Gn'bb, Aerosmith, Hanoi Rocks), will do anything for her friends stupid or not, gives bass playing her all, thinks causing trouble is fun, scares small children for fun.


• Hair color: naturally red

• Hairstyle: long parted on the side

• Eye color: blue

• Skin color: pale skin

• Height: 5'2

Clothing Style: Somewhat a mix in between Joey Ramone and Joan Jett usually wears sunglasses.

·Tattoos/piercings: pierced ears. A moon tattooed on the neck, sunflower tattooed on her side and a tattoo of the devil on her shoulder


Living in sin doesn't begin to explain my early life. You see I'm a smart girl I know what I want. I wanted to be a badass I wanted to be the girl version of my biological father Joey Ramone, of the band the Ramones they were a much smaller band when I was eight though. But I saw the way he acted on stage it was incredible. Anyway when I was 11 my mother divorced my father and took me away. She married an average asshole way worse than my father. So I decided to become something unbearable.

I was a Catholic school girl who didn't give a fuck about rules or what was going on. My grades were lower than any skirt I wear, I slept in class, I went to parties with much older boys, I drank at lunch and smoked in the bathrooms (shout out to Nixy), and I had never got into a fight which everyone found odd. I myself never wanted to be in a fight with any jerk in my freshman year, but with being open-minded comes bullies. What do I do about bullies? Ignore them until they go past the limit.

"Oh look the whore." Some asshole that I turned down last week said. "I heard all she does is read books and have sex with older guys." I walked over to the asshole and his friends. "So you want to say that I fuck with older guys just because I didn't fuck with you?" They started snickering then the group moved closer to me, smiling their wide preppy smiles. "You know what happens to the girls that don't provide what their man wants?" One of them said.

"Do you know what happens to four douches that don't know how to keep it in their pants?" I smirked kicking one in the balls. Then kicking the other in the shin as I planned on what I'd do to the guy. Once the two were crying on the ground I jumped on the guy who made the comment. I punched him senseless. I was pulled off of him and driven home by a nun.

I was then kicked out of my 'parents' house, after being severely abused by my step father, so I went with the money I had to Boston, Massachusetts. I started working as a waitress at a bar since I no longer felt the need to continue my education. I would sleep in the bar after everyone left to their homes.

Then, one faithful night I met him. I thought he'd be a good boyfriend right? Well turns out that he cheated on me like I was nothing. So I burned his house down.

Months later I found myself relocating after Charlie was arrested for beating me up. I moved to The City of Angels yes baby L.A. the big guns. I worked as a stripper and celebrated my Sweet Sixteen by buying my first apartment. I grew up when I was in Boston I saw the world as it was, terrible...


Anyway I was playing bass in some shitty ass band. I was kicked out for getting into a terrible fight with the drummer on stage. That's when I just stripped and played bass for like 3 months. Then I met Carrie, Eddie, and Andy. They lived in my apartment for a little bit then I was fired from the Seventh Veil because I was late a few times. We were also evicted from my small shitty apartment and we were now on the fucking streets. We also became robbers to survive.

Sooner or later we joined Guns N Bang Bang and yes I'm now rich and famous and burning the hotel was a accident I SWEAR.

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