Part 17

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Sean started to put his clothes in a pile. He wasn't shy. He had showered around the guys in the Slums. Being naked wasn't uncommon. However, Nate had always kept people away from him. Allowing him to avoid a lot of physical contact growing up. He always believed that if he didn't look at them that they wouldn't look at him. For the most part it had worked. Yet, as he unbuckled his boots, he found himself looking at Al. He had never seen anything like him. He couldn't help being a little curious. Al was removing his pants by a snap button located above his tail, when his eye rose to look at him. Sean blushed lowering his eyes as to his boot and quickly mumbling out. "So... Al... How long is your tongue?" Nervously looking up, Sean's eyes widened. Flashing a wicked grin, Al opened his jaws enough to let his big tongue slide out past his jaws. It wasn't just long it was thick. Sean swallowed hard. Al's tongue was about as thick as both of his arms together!

Al retracked his tongue, telling him with a deep chuckle. "You should consider yourself lucky. I got the best of both human and reptile." Sean raised an eyebrow, asking a little envious. "Even... below the belt?" Al actually looked like he was blushing, when he looked away and laughed out. "Haven't met a pet yet that can take me." Sean shivered at the thought. Making his way to the murky white colored water, Sean cleared his throat to compose himself. Al dropped to all fours, looking more animal than man now. Al walked slowly around the poolside, his talons tapping the tiles as he told him seriously. "It's a herbal bath. It's good for you." Sean stepped slowly into the warm water, trying to focus on breathing. Al's looks were triggering something primal in him. Every fiber told him to get out of the water. The water was the worst place to be with a gator. Especially, one of Al's massive size. Stepping off the last step, Sean made his way to the edge of the pool. Resting his arms on the edge, he clutched his wrists to keep them from shaking.

The herbal water was just starting to make him feel calm, when Al told him in a predatory growl. "Good. Stay right there for me." Sean shot a quick look over his shoulder, catching how Al carefully crawled down the steps. He slid into the water with barely a ripple, his whole body practically vanishing beneath the surface. The only thing he could see of Al was the very top of his nose and head. As Al slithered through the water toward him, the dim lights refracted off Al's eyes, turning them a striking devil red. The breath caught in Sean's throat as fear gripped him. He had never been so scared of something in his life. A thin clear lid slid up over Al's eyes and with a soft snort, he sank beneath the water seamlessly. Sean turned to face the wall, gripping the edge in a death grip. It was taking everything he had not to rush from the water. Shaking his head, Sean told himself seriously on repeat. "You gave him your word... You can do this." He felt Al's hands very gently grab his thighs, causing a yelp to leave him. Al's touch was light... but his talons were sharp!

Al's hands loosened to adjust and this time his talons curved around his flesh more naturally. Sean leaned down, laying his forehead on his arms as he mumbled to himself dryly. "Fucking hell, Sean... What are you doing?" Al spread his legs and pinned them against the wall of the pool in the most embarrassing position. Sean blushed a deep red, thankful now that the water was murky. It was only when his cock hit the wall, that he heard the metal cock ring and jerked. He had forgotten to tell Al that he had to be careful of that! He was just about to try getting Al's attention. Only to feel his tongue press against his lower back and drag up his spine to the back of his neck. Sean's back muscles loosened up to the soft strength of his tongue, coaxing him to utter blissfully in Gaelic. "Mothaíonn sé sin go hiontach!" Al chuckled, purring back to him in response. "Your master has got a training ring on ya? Oh, boy... This is going to torture you, Mon ami." Sean glanced over his shoulder, mumbling out softly. "What do you mean? And you speak French?"

Al licked his back again, before sinking back into the water, answering lustfully. "Bayou born and raised, Friandise." Sean called his name, trying to get him to answer about the cock ring. He didn't resurface. Sean's thighs shook beneath the water. He felt so exposed. Al's large tongue rose up unexpectedly between his legs, flexing to fondle his entire cock. A burst of Gaelic curses left him between pitched moans of pleasure. Slamming a hand on the tile floor, Sean panted heavily against the tile. Al's tongue moved slow, wedging up the crack of his ass to his lower back. Al's tongue flicked off his skin, then went back down to the bottom of his ass to lick up the cheeks individually. Sean's ass tingled from the weird sensation. The skin there felt sensitive and this kind of attention was turning him on. He tried like hell to fight it. He even resorted to biting his arm. It wasn't enough. He body was rarely touched, let alone played with like THIS!

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