Part 18

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Mark guided Sean carefully by his arm out to the gates. He made sure to go slow and stayed behind Sean as he steered him through one of the gates as it opened. Out in the open lobby, the two Masters were already waiting with scowling faces. They weren't alone either. Beside them, Elite Matthias stood with his Valkyrie guards. One of the Valkyries was holding a box of Sean's stuff, letting Matthias sort through it. Mark pulled Sean to a stop, giving the two off-world Nobles a polite bow of his head. The two Noble Masters bowed back, before the Mistress that resembled a large human spider moved closer to look at Sean. Her many eyes across her face narrowed on Sean as she sneered out. "This the Mutt?" Mark put a hand to the back of Sean's neck, instructing him casually. "Sean, kneel." Sean hesitated, but Mark nudged the back of his knee with his own. Helping Sean down to his knees, Mistress Weaver's head darted in his direction to hiss out. "What's this? Is he untrained? Did you let an untrained Mutt into the Pet center?!"

Mark inhaled deeply, reassuring her calmly. "He lacks social skills, but-" Matthias cut him off to interject bluntly. "That he did. He's a wild Slum Mutt." Mistress Weaver tensed on her eight long black legs, barring her fangs at Sean. Mark shot a stern look at Matthias, before telling the Masters seriously. "This won't happen again." Mistress Weaver brushed her long black bangs with jeweled beads away from her face, upon stating out. "It shouldn't have happened to begin with! What were you thinking?! Putting a vile creature like that in with Pets?" The other Master stepped forward. He had the appearance of a large human looking white bat. He tilted his head pulling his golden glasses off his face to clean them as he interjected quickly in a screeching off-world language. Mark had to listen closely to him to catch it all, then replied politely back to him in his native tongue. "I did know about his nature. I just thought socializing would help him. Isolating him would only make his behavior worse." Master Echo nodded with understanding.

Mistress Weaver waved a hand dismissively, grumbling out. "Ugh... Enough with the screeching... The financial matter has been dealt with. I will live with the losses... But I am concerned. How many other untrained Pets are in this establishment?" Matthias puffed himself up, stating out. "There are a few. But I'm working with Hecate to resolve these... Security Risks." Mark stiffened. This was the first time he was hearing about this. Matthias cleared his throat with a smirk, telling Mark coolly. "Well then. Shall we get this over with? How shall you be punishing him?" Mark recognized that tone. Matthias was hoping Sean would rebel and then HE'D get to punish him. Ignoring his brother, he took a knee to tell Sean seriously. "Bow and apologize to Mistress Weaver." Sean's body tensed with reluctance, but he bowed his head. Mark guided Sean down lower to the floor. When Sean's face and chest were a few inches from touching the floor, he held him there and told him sternly. "Now apologize."

Sean shifted uncomfortably, before mumbling out. "I'm sorry." Mark squeezed his shoulder in warning, correcting as calmly as he could. "Sean, you are speaking to an off-world Noble and a Master. Apologize... better." Sean let out a heavy sigh, then said a bit clearer. "I'm sorry, Mistress Weaver. I won't do it again." Mistress Weaver crossed her arms under her busty chest, sighing out lightly. "Boy's got an ego that I'd like to crush under my heels... but I accept it." Mark loosened his grip to let Sean sit up for a second. Sean tilted his head back, blindly staring up at her to growl out. "Suck my-" Mark quickly clasped his hand over Sean's mouth and yanked him back against his shoulder. Mistress Weaver's legs all spread out menacingly as she leaned down to Sean's level. Her fangs dripping with toxin as she purred out. "Oooo, I'll gladly suck the vitality right out of him!" Mark shifted to get between them, calmly telling her. "Thank you, but I can't break his spirit if he's dead."

Mistress Weaver pouted but shrugged it off as she mumbled out wickedly. "I can always just paralyze him for you. It would make breaking him so much easier." Master Echo moved up, waving the Mistress back with his gentle hand. Mark coaxed Sean into making him apologize again to Master Echo, then told them all seriously. "I'll spank him five times and-" Matthias huffed, retorting back sternly. "Five? Mark, he put two Pets in the hospital with broken bones. Don't go light on him. That's not justice. The pain he feels should fit that which he dealt out. Shall we say... whip his ass until it bleeds?" Mistress Weaver turned a concerned look on Matthias as she firmly said. "I'm all for playing rough... but my Pet was merely broken. To draw blood when my Pet barely had a nosebleed seems... unfitting." Master Echo screeched out his agreement with Mistress Weaver, then retorted in his language to Mark. "Till he's red. I think that's fair. He'll hurt but he won't suffer. Pets will be Pets. They fight."

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