Aphrodite Craves A Punch to Tazuna's Face

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Your eyes bounced between Sakura and Sasuke, knowing one was bound to offer some of their food. You could have sworn it was Sakura in your memory, but instead, Sasuke outreached his bento towards Naruto, saying, "Here."

"H-hey,, Sasuke Sensei just said...!" Sakura stuttered.

"It's okay," Sasuke said, looking down. "There's no sign of him now. The three of us are going to go take the bells together. It'll be trouble for me if he becomes a hindrance, so..."

Sakura offered her food to Naruto, who become weary eyes and happy.

"Thank you..." Naruto gushed.

"Don't thank me. Just hurry up and eat," Sakura said.

"But..." Naruto said.

Sakura interrupted him, saying, "I'm on a diet! I mean, I just eat less than Sasuke. So you don't need to worry."

"But... see..." Naruto said out flexing his hands to show he couldn't eat.

"Hurry it up. We don't know when he'll be back," Sasuke interjected.

"Yeah, so feed him, Sakura," you said, smiling.

"Why don't you, if you're so eager," Sakura said, glaring at you.

"Hurry up!" Sasuke said again.

Sakura sighed, "It's just this one time. Okay, you got it?"

"I got it."

So then, Sakura fed Naruto a bite of her bento. Then, suddenly, there's a giant gush of air in front of you all, and you all jump in fear from the imminent threat. You hear a loud scream of, "YOU FOUR!"

"YIIIIIIKES!" Naruto yelled in the flashing of wind around you all.

"You defied the rules so that means you know what's coming," Kakashi said, as the wind thrashed at you. He does some hand signs and you look up towards the sky that thunders loudly. "Do you have something to say?"

"But you see..." Naruto trailed.

"What?" Kakashi asked darkly.

'Wow, after being narrowly avoided by Kakashi since our first meeting, I feel like he has suddenly gotten a lot more mean!' you thought, closing your eyes in fear from the wind that circled around you and the others.

"But! But! But! You said, sensei!" Naruto yelled. "These guys..."

"We're a three man squad, right?" Sasuke entered in.

"That's right! The three of us are one, so...!" Sakura added.

"If one eats, we all do!" you yelled.

"That's right! That's right!"

"The three of you are one, eh," Kakashi said menacingly as he stepped towards the group. He kneeled down, putting his hand signs down as well. His glaring eye closed in a somewhat smile. "You pass!"



"You pass," Kakashi said again, as if to reitterate a point we were too stupid to understand.

'Thank God,' you thought. 'It's over!'

"We passed?! Why?" Sakura asked, looking at Kakashi with wide eyes.

"You guys are the first," Kakashi began to explain as the clouds above parted their lips to reveal the shining sun. "Up until now, it was always just dunces who would meekly listen to what I said. A ninja must see through deception. In the world of ninja, those who breaks rules and codes are branded as garbage... but... those who don't cherish their friends are garbage worse than that."

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