Cow Boy Challenges Aphrodite

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"Everyone's been saying Sharingan, what is it?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Sharingan," Sasuke spoke. "Power that the light of the eye generates and pupil emanates. The user of the so called Visual Jutsu is said to possess the vision to see through all Genjutsu. Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu, and is able to deflect them. The sharingan is a type of eye that is unique to the user of the visual art. However, that is not the only power of the Sharingan."

"Well, said," Zabuza said. "That is not all. What's more frightening is that such an eye can access an opponents techniques and copy them. When I was in the Anbu Black Ops of the Hidden Mist, there was information about you in the Bingo Book I carried around. There was also something else in the book... About the man who has copied over one thousand skills... Kakashi the Copy Ninja."

After a few moments of silence, where you were sure Sasuke was confused internally about the eye, and where Sakura and Naruto were confused Kakashi was that good, Zabuza broke the silence. "Let's end the talking here," he said. "I must kill that old man immediately."

Quickly, Sasuke ran in front of Tazuna, Naruto to his left, and Sakura to his right, and you took the position behind him, all of you with a kunai out ready to attack.

"But, Kakashi, it seems I have to defeat you first."

With intense speed, Zabuza and his sword vanished from the tree, standing on the lake nearby. "Over there!" Naruto claimed.

"Standing on the water!" Sakura gawked.

"Jesus?" You muttered to yourself, adding a little chuckle.

Then, you watched as Zabuza vanished from the water after using a jutsu. "He vanished?!" Naruto gasped.

Then, Kakashi began walking away from the group, and Sakura spoke out to his sudden decision. "He'll probably come to erase me first," Kakashi said.

"Who is he?" Sakura inquired.

"Zabuza Momochii. He's an Anbu Black Ops Member of the Hidden Mist and is known as 'the silent killing technique' expert. As the name suggests," Kakashi continued after Naruto's confusion. "it's a killing skill that's implemented in an instant in silence. By the time you realize it, it's possible you may find yourself in the afterlife. The Sharingan cannot fully neutralize it, so don't lower your guards, you guys."

"Yes, sir," you said, as everyone else gawked in blank eyed silence.

"Well, if we fail, we'll only die," Kakashi said. Ah, you hadn't quite thought about that. Considering you aren't from this reality, what would happen when you died? Would you wake up to find your had fallen asleep on your desk and this was just some elaborate dream self-insert fanfiction? You felt like everything here was your conscious, but once these moments would pass, your memories and dreams seem to be the same.

"A minor set back," you said, chuckling.

A major one actually, Azara said, startling you for a moment.

"How can you two be so carefree?!" Sakura asked, exasperated.

While silence hung over the group, so did the thickening fog. "The mist is getting thicker!" Naruto said loudly to the group, who undoubtedly, already knew this.

"The Land of waves is surrounded by ocean," Tazuna finally spoke. "So mist rises very easily."

As the heavy mist grew thicker and thicker, you and your team stood in silence, listening for any sort of sound.

"Eight spots."

"Huh?" Sakura gasped.

"The larynx, the spine, the lungs, the liver, the jugular and the subclavian veins. The kidney, the heart. Now then, which vulnerable spot would be my kill point?" Zabuza's voice spoke out, his voice ominous in the heavy fog. Then, the fog was blown away by a jutsu that Kakashi used.

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