Chapter 28- Monks from the Temple

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"Hello, Pegasus. Thank you for being on time," greeted Ladybug as she returned the Miracle box to her yo-yo. She walked over to her chair to sit down. "Please, take a seat and we'll get started."

He sat in his chair and leaned forward, eager to learn. Cat Noir moved behind the bug's chair and leaned on the back of it, letting his lady know that he was listening as well. Ladybug pressed a button on the table and it came to life, glowing with magic. Another button pressed and the locator map came to be.

"Okay, now, Pegasus. Please, pay attention," Ladybug said as she narrowed down the map to their area. She got up, walking over to the horse holder and started showing him the different controls of how to move and focus the map.

"Alright, now, that you know how to control the map, please find Viperion as a first attempt," instructed Ladybug as she stood with her hands behind her back, watching Pegasus work. He moved the map to the Seine, near Notre Dame and found Luka's houseboat, where his teal marker was glowing.

Cat Noir spoke up this time. "Nice job, I guess having a horse shoe for a weapon makes you really lucky, huh?" He chuckled. His lady gave him a dirty look. "Cat!"

Pegasus chuckled at the cat's comment. "Affirmative, Viperion found. Hawkmoth wont know what hit him, Ladybug." He looked determined.

Ladybug smiled at her friend. "Thank you, Pegasus. Now, I have a favor to ask, if you're willing."

Pegasus nodded, waiting for her to continue. "Do you remember that Temple that appear after disappearing over 100 years ago?"

He nodded. "It was on the news."

"Well, it is the Order of Guardians temple and I have someone to meet there. Will you be willing to use voyage to help us there? You can help research at the temple as well, if you want," said Ladybug.

"Of course! When do we leave?" the horse asked.

"Now," replied the red bug as she motioned to Cat Noir, Rena Rogue and Carapace to gather behind her. Pegasus nodded and started up his power "Voyage!" A blue portal appeared in front of him, showing the temple courtyard.

A dusting of snow covered the ground as the teens stepped into the temple walls. The courtyard was vacant of life, no motion to describe the silence. Ladybug noticed the tiles under their feet was the Miraculous symbol that graced the top of the box. Cherry blossom trees scattered around the temple grounds, petals slowly falling in the breeze. The portal closed behind them and Pegasus's miraculous started flashing.

"Pegasus, detransform over behind that tree and feed Kaalki, okay? We want to be on our guard here," instructed Cat Noir as he grabbed his staff from behind him, extending it. Pegasus nodded and did what he was told.

Rena Rouge saw moment in the corner of her eye. She swiftly moved in the direction of the shadow, only to find a child, hiding behind a statue. He had traditional Chinese clothing on and a bald head. He stared frightful at the superheroes.

The fox smiled softly at the boy and extended her hand. "Hey, little guy. We're not going to hurt you, everything is fine. What's your name?" Rena said softly, as if talking to a skittish animal.

"My name is Su Ling," said the boy, shyly stepping around the statue and getting closer to Rena Rouge.

"Hello, Ling. Is there anyone else here with you?" asked Ladybug, crouching down to be the boy's level. The little boy nodded his head and pointed to one of the wooden double doors leading into the temple.

Cat Noir eyed the doors, slowly making his way over, keeping his front to the doors in order to protect his friends. He slowly pushed one open with his staff and the door creaked opened, revealing an empty hallway.

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