The Action

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Doragon's POV

How in hell was Xavier going to pull off that!? I always knew he was crazy...I mean...His crazy boldness is what made me and Escanor befriend him...but gosh he's overdoing it now....but no matter how crazy he is, I need to be there to support him, also, I can go due to the fact that my mom and dad were out of town for the next year, so that concludes it, I'm going.

Escanor's POV

There is no fricken way their going to drag me into this fantasy of a dream...that is impossible.... they ain't gettin me to do that shit, although ultimate power sounds kinda cool but still, my mom and dad would never let me go, so that concludes it, I'm not going.

Author's POV

Or so Escanor thought.....he finally mustered up the courage to ask his parents if he could go with Doragon and Xavier on this "Fantasy of a dream" trip. He basically already knew the answer was gonna be NO, he himself didn't really want to go but he just wanted confirmation that his mom and dad told him NO, he still feels anxious about asking such a stupid question. He slowly turns the doorknob and walks in to his parent's room,"Mom, dad, can I please go on a trip around the world with two of my friends to activate the next 90% of Xavier's brain?" he weirdly asked,"Sure, whatever" they reply.

Escanor's POV the going on with those two knuckleheads, I knew they didn't care but they didn't have to make it so obvious,
Well I guess I really don't have an excuse now, (sigh), lemme get my things packed, I'm sure their doing the same all now.

Xavier's POV

(Phone rings)
Xavier: Hello?
Mom: Hey sweety, I'm just calling to tell you we wouldn't be home until, like, a few months from now, are you okay with that?
Xavier: Yeah that's not a problem at all.
Mom: okay, bye sweety.
(Phone hangs up)

Omg!!that happened in perfect timing, not that I like to be away from my parents but wow, that was fast.....I better get home and start packing.... fast!
I basically ran through the front door and began packing for my trip....sure my friends and I would be missing a lot of school but trust me it was worth it, I called up Escanor and Doragon and told them to get ready for we leave tonight..... I did my research and found out that Africa and North America had the most discovery rate for precious stones in the world, plus , we can always go for viscous lava in Hawaii. I told them to meet me at the airport which was about half an hour walking time from my house and they didn't live too far from where I lived and only one of us was a spoiled rich boy(Escanor) so he was going to pay for everything so finances wasn't the worst of our was going to be getting the lady at the counter to give us tickets without parents.

Half hour later

"Okay guys, we're here, there's no turning back now so if you want out...say now or forever hold your peace." I said in a heroic tone. Nobody said a word. "Well then, I take that as a positive, I'm going to get our tickets to Africa and be back, go through the security searches meanwhile" they both agreed and we went our separate ways. "Three tickets to Africa" I said "Sure" she replied, she spent about thirty seconds typing and then asked "ID please" I gave to her my ID and collected the tickets. Well that wasn't hard at all. I proceeded to the security and went through the searches. We then boarded the plane and we were on our way to Africa.

Doragon's POV

This is totally crazy!!!!!flying to Africa with no parental supervision, I'm pretty sure Escanor's parents didn't care though, he could have sex in front their eyes and be like "Okay" . My parents don't know anything and well, they might never know, they left me home alone for a year, so, might as well do I right?

Author's POV

People on the plane looked at the trio in curiosity of where were there parents. They felt very discomforted by this but they fell asleep being bored and having nothing to do for the rest of the plane ride.

Thanks for reading, as I said before if you have anything to mention just comment. Thanks again for reading ch2

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