Betrayal of the bretherin

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"OK, roll out and we're going straight to the volcano to get our lava." I said.
We docked our warship and sneaked our way passed crowds because weapons were not fan favorites in Hawaii. The plan was well made and we were standing in front of the volcano. I could feel the heat from here.
"Let's go" I said.
And we started climbing this volcano.
Doragon has a fear of heights so he was the one behind all of us.
Escanor is a rock climber so no worries there.
And well my girl was on my back. Yep you heard me, on my fricken back.
It took us about an hour to climb the volcano but we finally did it.
"OK guys get me the obsidian" I said as they brought it.
We put the obsidian in a clay bowl and slowly lowered over the lava melting the obsidian.
We made our obsidian cup and put the lava in it and quickly descended the volcano.
"Shit!" Celina said.
"What's up?" I asked.
"More people with guns" she replied.
"The bushes!" I said as we dove into them.
They were wearing the same uniforms as the people from the cartel! What were they doing here? Were they tracking us!?
"They were tracking us." said Doragon as he pointed his gun to Celina's head.
"What the f*** are you doing!" I exclaimed.
"Nobody move or she gets it" he replied.
"They offered me a deal that I could not have passed up on in the cartel, before we killed the Juggernaut it told me that it would give me 2000000 dollars in gold bars if I turned you in, and so I complied" he said.
"Imma kill you if I see you again!" I told him furiously.
"I'd like to see you try" he said as he stood us up and took us to our enemies.
"I knew you would comply, congrats, you're one of us now." some random dude said to Doragon.
They raided our ship and took everything from us, they then sunk our ship. Oh there was no way Doragon was gonna get away with this. They put us in the back of a truck and put two people to guard us.
"What are we going to do!?" Celina whispered in my ear.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything" I replied.
Escanor was furious and pledged his vengeance so it was kind of dangerous to disturb him.

10 minutes later

We had finally reached the cartel and the truck had stopped. The doors opened and we were manhandled into a jail cell.
"Well look what we have here." said Doragon.
"Why, why would you do this to your friends?" I asked.
"Activating the next 90% of your brain can be the key to world domination which is my life goal and plus, who wouldn't take 2000000 dollars in gold to turn in two lovebirds and a dumb strongman who happen to trust you. That was too easy." he replied.
"Listen to me you bastard son of a bitch motherf***er! Imma kill you when I get out of here! You hear that!" shouted Escanor.
"I hear you, but I sure don't care" he said as he walked away.
"Wait a minute, we had everything they needed besides diamonds and the Tesla tower. They have the diamonds and the tower. Doragon wouldn't have turned us in if they still needed something." I said to myself.
"We have to stop him, he is going to activate the rest of his brain now!" I said.
"But we're in a cell Xavier, we can't do anything." said Celina.
I reached into her clothes and grabbed her phone.
"Yes we can" I replied.
"Hey you can't just put your hands in my bra, I would've just gotten it for you, if I had remembered it." she said.
"That would've ruined my comeback." I said.
"Shut up and call someone already!" shouted Escanor.
I went into her contacts and only saw one saved number labelled 'Dad'.
"Seriously Celina?" I said.
"He is our best hope right now." she replied.
"What, how?" I asked.
"He has activated an extra 1% of his brain he would pick up our locating faster than normal people." she replied.
"Wait, is he a biology teacher by chance?" I asked once more.
"How did you know?" she replied.
Oh.......My.........God, the bio teacher is my girlfriend's father!
I almost freaked out on the inside I kept my cool instead and called him.
I quickly gave the phone to Celina because I wasn't about to tell my biology teacher to come rescue us.
Suddenly, the gate of the cell rattled and opened.
"Come quickly." the person said as he ran away.
We followed him and he directed us to a getaway car where we  drove off in as the alarms in the compound went off.
He drove about a solid 2 miles before his car shut down.
We came out of the car and stretched, I turned around after stretching to see the person and Celina hugging tightly.
"One question, who are you?" I asked.
"You know me Xavier" he replied as I got a good look at him.
Its him! Its Celina's father.
"How did you find us?" I asked once more.
"Let's just say that I'm Sherlock Holmes ×10" he said.
"Oh right your 1% of brains kicked in" I said.
We then explained to him how we ended up here and everything that happened and so on.
He fixed his car and we drove to the hotel where Celina worked.
(BTW we did not tell him about our relationship know)

Doragon's POV

"How did they get away, anyhow its not like they can harm me." I said to the cartel council.
"Well if it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother us. Would you like to proceed to the activation process?" they asked me.
"Let's not delay" I replied as I got up and proceeded to the activation chamber.
"OK sir." they said as they followed me.
I offered the manager the gold bars for his position and he took the offer. To be honest, being the manager and being in control of an army and latest fighting technology is pretty cool.
"Is it ready for operation?" I asked the vice manager.
"Yes sir" he replied.
"I'm gonna be the most powerful man in the world with control of an army and technology, I'm gonna take over the world, and no one can stop me now." I said menacingly.
"I'm proud of you sir" said the treasurer.

Wow I haven't seen you in a while, thanks for reading and see you in the next one(BTW I have come back online so no more waiting this long again)

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