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Xavier's POV

"OK, we need a plan to counter his abilities and we need it now!" I said in a frantic manner.
"We can't counter him, with that mind power, he is able to fabricate stuff from thin air molecules by altering its chemical properties and its state of matter, he can teleport, he has hydrokenesis, pyrokenesis, telekenesis and aerokenesis. He can alter his own strength to surpass any man or beasts strength, he is literally a superhuman!" He answered.
"So that's it, he gets to take over the world and we can do absolutely nothing?" I asked.
"No, there is one thing we can do, the only thing strong enough to counter his abilities IS his abilities." He said.
"I understand what you're trying to say but we need the materials, where are we going to get the materials?" I asked once more.
I have a closet filled with leftovers from failed tries, maybe it would be enough." He answered.
"Let's go to your place and activate the rest of your brain." I said.
"No! I cannot! My body is to old, it would not hold the capacity required for the activation. You should do it, you are still young."
He quickly said.
I had no choice because Escanor was still afraid of the Tesla tower, Celina is too weak, and the old man's body is also too weak.
"OK, I'll do it." I said.
He fixed the car and we went to the airport to get the fastest flight back to our place.
"He has to practice and get familiar with his powers first so we have about two weeks tops." said the bio teacher.
"Lets get to your place fast, I need to master the powers." I said as we boarded the plane.

Two hours later

"My place isn't far from here, about a fifteen minutes walk, or if you want too, a two minutes run." said the bio teacher.
"Oh I'm all up for that, and what is your name exactly?" I asked.
"Just call me Lucky." He replied and took off.
We all took off after him and made this run into a race. Celina and her father had surprising speed but was beaten by Escanor who was slowly gaining on me.
"Right here!" Exclaimed Lucky as we slowed down and walked into the gates.
"You guys want anything to eat or drink?" asked Celina.
"Nop, let's just get to the activation thing, shall we?" I said as we approached the garage.
The garage was huge and he set up an activation chamber, he was preparing and making minor tweaks to the machine to gain maximum output of percentage.
"Come and sit here." He said.
I went and sat down on the steel chair and he strapped me in and pointed the Tesla toward my head.
"THREE, TWO, ONE!" He said as he pressed the button and the last thing I saw was a huge zapp coming toward me.

About an hour later

"He's waking up!" said Celina.
"You good bro?" asked Escanor.
"Yeah I'm good but my head hurts, I'm going outside to walk it off." I said as I proceeded to the door.
I took a walk to the airport and stood there for a while when I saw Lucky coming toward me.
"I know about you and my daughter." He said to me.
"How!?" I said in a frantic manner.
"Its OK, she told me everything, just..........take good care of my Celina for me." He said.
"I taught her everything she needs to know about life, I'm sure of it." He said once more.
"Why are you saying these things Lucky?" I asked.
"I have fifteen days left to live according to my doctor, I prayed to God asking him to send somebody to take care of her when I'm gone and you fell into that place my friend." He answered.
This shocked me and saddened me, I just met this awesome dude and now he is going to die.
"I'll make you proud Lucky." I said.
"I know you will Xavier" he said as we walked back to the house.
We went to sleep for the night, because in morning comes training.

Doragon's POV

"Did that have to hurt so much?!"
I exclaimed as I got off the bed.
"The process is complete sir, you are now the most powerful person on earth." said the vice manager.
"Knowing Xavier, he's probably already completed the process and began his training, which means I have to start mine. Listen, in the morning we start training. Now go to sleep." I said as I walked toward my room.
They all went to sleep knowing tomorrow the hard work begins, the process to becoming a superhuman has begun for the two teens. The process of becoming world changers, patriots of science, or even, universe rebirthers.

Xavier's POV

"YAWNNNNN" I said as I woke up to the smell of the most delicious breakfast ever created.
"Oh, you're finally awake!" Celina said looking down at me in my bed.
"Come on, get up and eat, training begins to save the world!" She said once more in an excited tone.
"OK, I'm coming." I said while walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
I began to brush my teeth and started to think about the scenario that I'm in. I was betrayed by my own friend who has gone to the enemy's side to fulfill his lifelong dream of world domination, and the only person who has the abilities to counter him is me, what a movie scenario, am I right?
"Ok, time to eat." I said while walking to the kitchen.
I froze at the sight of the longest table I have ever scene in my life filled with all the food I could've ever imagined.
"Eat up boy, we're training all day today so get ready and meet me outside, I've got the perfect training regiments for mind strength and for revealing unknown abilities." said Lucky as he walked back outside.
Oh my gosh I just can't wait for the day I master my abilities, but that day is not going to be any laughing matter, there's going to be a lot of destruction and chaos so I have to be both physically and mentally prepared for this, Doragon, I'm f***ing coming for you.

We are coming to a close in this book as you can tell so hoped you all enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one.

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