Trouble in Africa

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Xavier's POV god, that was the most boring trip on a plane ever. I woke up Escanor and Doragon and exited the plane, we had to go through another search and counter lady, I'm just hoping they won't ask for my parents........the first set of guards were just weighing our bags.......the second set were searching our bags and of course, we had nothing illegal on up, the infamous counter lady, her eyes followed us with a stare that can shatter rocks, her face was wrinkled and pale with bulging eyes, we reached the counter and awaited her instruction.... "ID" she said in a drastically low voice for a female, she verified our ID's and gave them back to us......"And where are your parents?" omg why did she have to ask the question."They arrived before us and are waiting for us outside" I replied..... "Oh really, what's your father's name then?" I thought about it for a while before answering"uhhh...Harryyyyyy Gil...Bert.........yeah Harry Gilbert"
"Then why is your name Xavier Stormont?" She asked, shit...I didn't think about putting the same last name, but then a thought raced into my head "My parents weren't married, so I took my mother's surname" I said, "Okay, next!" She said. I didn't think we were going to get out of that heart pounding conversation, we were so relieved " time to rest" I said while grabbing a map from the airport exit door. I had the places written in a small book in my backpack and all the places weren't that far. The farthest place was 2 miles from here. I then located the closest hotel and showed it to my friends. Well they had no choice but to agree because they weren't going to stay on the roadsides. We set of for the hotel and 1 mile and a half was plenty more than we thought. When we had reached the hotel we were out of breath...from walking!.....we entered the hotel and showed the lady at the counter our ID's and paid for a five month reservation which cost us about 5000 dollars
But that didn't hurt us in any way for it was an all inclusive hotel, so food and water wasn't going to be a problem. I'm actually surprised that this plan is working. But now the hard part plays itself out, GETTING THE INGREDIENTS. We got a big lunch comprising of mostly meat. We ate it all and started searching for the precious stones. We first proceeded to the mines of lambula hills. Unfortunately, it was about an hour and a half walking time from here so we left early.

1 hour and a half later

We could see one of the mines not too far in the distance. A man walks out from behind the mind and we assume it is a guard, we dive behind a rock and observed his movements.... "Wait a minute, is that a gun!?" I exclaimed, "Why would they have guns?"
"Probably because the mines contain precious stones which are sold for thousands of dollars....duhhhhhh" said Doragon. We needed to find a way to to distract him, an idea came to me like a bullet, "Escanor pick up a stone and throw it behind the mine, he will go to investigate the noise and we can then quickly make our way in the mine" I said. They agreed as usual and the plan was underway
....He threw the stone and it went a good distance from the mine, the armed guard then went to investigate the noise. We started proceeding quietly to the mine.
"CRACK!" shiiiiiiit!I stepped on a branch and my friends and I froze...... "Hey you there STOP!" We hear the guard shout in the distance, I dove on the ground while Escanor and Doragon dove into the mine..... before I could get up the guard was already pointing his gun at my head. He ordered me to stand and put my hands on my head and so I did, he turned me around we started walking toward a camp in the far distance. "I can't get caught or this project would be done" I thought to myself, I mustered up some courage and span around quickly flinging my hands towards his head and I connected. He flew on the ground and his gun flew from his hand and fell a good distance from him, I dove on top of him and started punching aimlessly. I got some good blows in before he kicked me off him and he made a dash for his gun, I couldn't let him get to his gun, I needed to get to it first. I sprinted toward him and dove for his feet and managed to grab them causing the guard to fall.....he was just an arms length away from his gun. I pulled him back toward me before he could reach it and once more dove toward the gun.....I could taste the victory, but while in the air, he launched his hands into my stomach and made contact, I fell hard and rolled a few feet before stopping. I couldn't breathe properly which affected my movement, I saw the gun within my arms length and reached for it, a foot came down on the gun preventing me from obtaining it, I still couldn't breathe properly at this point so I had no choice but to accept my fate, he took aim with his rifle to take his shot...... suddenly, a stone came flying through the air toward the guard's head...the stone made contact bursting his head wide open....the gun fell from his hands first before he collapsed on the ground, I looked in the direction that the stone came from and saw Escanor and Doragon running towards me, a feeling of relief came to me.
"You good bro?" Doragon asked as he helped me up,
"Yeah, I'm good" I replied.
The conversation wasn't long after that......we immediately went back to the mine celebrating our victory. We got four of the ingredients from this mine which were topaz, emerald, ruby and sapphire. We filled our zip Lock bags with the precious stones and got out of there before the other guards noticed the dead one of their own. Well the next hour and a half back to the hotel went faster than usual, probably because we were celebrating our success in part one of the mission. We immediately ordered another lunch although it was 6pm and chowed down on it. With our stomachs full, we went to our room to organize our next move.
"Since it was 2052 the tectonic plates of Africa and North America had moved together joining the two countries, so organizing our next move to North America wouldn't be hard, and the place best known for obsidian is Bamasaki, a small town that doesn't share their secrets about  how much obsidian they had, it would take us six hours to walk there, but hiring someone can probably take us two hours to get there, so the plan is to hire someone to take us to the border, from there we sneak past the border control and walk to Bamasaki from there which would take us about 20 minutes, we go in, harvest the obsidian and come back here via a taxi which will be available from about a half mile from border control, you both agree?" I said in a very tactical tone.
"No problem" said Doragon.
"We shall leave tomorrow after breakfast, so we need to get a good nights rest" said Escanor.
"Well then, good night, get a good rest, you'll need it for tomorrow" I said. We slept good through the night pumping us with energy for the next day.....let's just hope that energy goes to good use.

Thanks for reading, plz recommend and comment if you have anything to mention. Thanks and thanks again for reading ch3

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