Oh its on!

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Xavier's POV

I had finally finished eating and warmed up my mind to get ready for the training Lucky had put together for me.
"Morning sunshine! You ready!?"
Exclaimed Lucky in an excited manner.
"Never been more ready!"
I answered preparing myself and focusing on the upcoming tasks.
"Well this is gonna sound like a lot of lazy shit but.....I'll just say it, focus on your surroundings, think about what you want to do with it, start small and practice but waste no time, once you get the hang of it, I'll show you a couple of tricks my increased learning ability taught me. Sound good for now?" Asked Lucky.
"Well I don't know any other way so its good enough for me"
I replied.
Lucky left and told me to get to work, and so I did.
"Hmmm, what should I do?"
I asked myself looking at the ground.
"Wait, that's it! The ground!"
I exclaimed.
I focused on one of the particles of dirt on the ground, all my focus on this piece of dirt made it float into the air, I was freaking out! This is something that every child dreams about and now, I have power to do it.
I made the dirt fly about for a while and put it back on the ground. I saw a large stone in the corner of my eye and I think you know where this story ends up.
Obviously, I walked toward the stone, it was quite larger than expected, the dirt didn't give me a problem, because of its small size, but I doubt the stone will be any different.
Focusing on the stone, the stone lifted in the air at a slower pace, I could feel a slight stress on my mind but it was nothing, I made it dance a little and wondered.
"Can I make it shift states?"
I asked myself.
"I guess I should just think about it" I said.
The stone suddenly took on a liquid state or something of the sort.
"I wonder if I can...hmm"
I wondered for a while and then figured out a way to do it.
The somewhat liquid rock wrapped around my hand and solidified, I kept the inside in a softer state to keep my hand comfortable whilst the outside was rock hard.
I controlled the weight of the stone so that it doesn't weigh any more than my other hand.
I said as I looked at my stone hand.
"This is going to workout his fine"
I said whilst smashing another rock with my stone hand.
(Just to make it look cool)

Doragon's POV

"Yawwwwwwwwwwn! OK time for training!"
I said rapidly running to the bathroom to get ready for a full day of training.
"Sir, I've got a training regiment here for you to follow once you're done eating and stuff"
Said the vice manager.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming"
I said.
"Knowing Xavier, he probably up a few hours now, that earlybird"
I said mumbling.
"Alright, everybody start training, you may not have super human abilities, but you do have f***ing guns, get to work!"
I said as I walked outside to start my training.
"What kind of lazy shit is that!"
I shouted at the vice manager.
"Sir you just have to trust me, see that gun, think about it floating, and see what happens."
He said trying to calm my nerves.
I took a breath and looked at the gun and thought about it floating, and it floated! I marvelled at the floating gun in front of me.
"Can i? Hmmmmmm."
I said to myself.
I took it upon myself to try it, I thought about the gun shooting, and well, it started firing, now I have a floating shooting gun!
"Wow sir, this is......just, I think you will beat him, after all, what can you do when you have a thousand guns ready to fire at you."
The vice manager marvelled at the sight.
"I recall you you saying that my imagination is my limit right?"
I asked.
"Uh....yes sir."
He replied.
"Well then, I think its time to make something 'imaginary'"
I said.
I smilled and then thought of something nobody would expect of me.
The enormous dragon took form in the air, but after forming it, in a few minutes time, it dissipated into nothing once more.
While it was active, I felt a huge strain in my mind, it was like it wasnt alive, my mind was the one thing keeping it together.
"That hurt, but it was damn worth it!"
I exclaimed looking at the devastation in front of me.
"So if I create something smaller, i can keep it longer, its all according to how strong my mind is. Now thats fascinating."
I said to myself.
It formed once more and this time I held it up a little longer that before.
"This is gonna be good."
I said.

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