Damsel in distress

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Xavier's POV

"Why, why did this have to happen to me! If it wasn't for my curiosity I wouldn't have been here, neither would you guys!" I said in a guilty manner.
"Quit wining already, we got ourselves into this, we can get ourselves out" said Doragon.
The rest of the conversation wasn't that interesting as it was mostly about me wining. We just kept walking in the direction the van had sped off in.
"We've been walking for two hours, where is this fricken place!" exclaimed Escanor.
It was at this exact moment that we saw small outlines of buildings just in the range of eyesight.
"I should do this all the time" said Escanor.
"Oh God finally!" screamed Doragon.
I laughed and we kept walking just this time, with more energy hoping to reach the town faster.
"Guys, what about a race?" asked Doragon.
"I bet the spoiled rich boy comes last" he said once more.
"Oh you're on!" exclaimed Escanor.
"Well its two against one, I'm in" I said.
We stopped at a small bush in our path and lined ourselves up to race. I watched as Doragon  picked up a stone from the ground.
"When the stone drops.........run!"
Doragon said.

The stone struck the ground and we were off..........dust covered the starting line as we bolted toward the town. At first we were all tied, but Doragon suddenly took up a speed superior to mines. Escanor was starting to speed up too.
"Challenge accepted!" I say to myself as I burst out in speed to overtake my opponents. They were in shock of how much speed I had. The race was only half way over and we were still going strong, but just then, my legs were starting to tire out.
"No, no, no, no, no, noooooo!" I yelled while dropping behind.
They were also tiring as well and the race began to slow down.
"How is this!? How is it that you beat us!?" Doragon exclaimed as the race was about to end.
I built up a little more energy and let it out in another burst of speed. They both watched in utter disbelief while I reach the town gate first. They didn't even have the energy to run, they just jogged toward the gate. Escanor did come last, although his strength is unmatched, his stamina is close to nothing..........and as for Doragon, I'm surprised he didn't beat me. He was the one always running a marathon or something and always showing off his calves.
"Ha! I beat you Mr. Marathon runner!" I say as I rub the victory in Doragon's face.
"Argh! I'll win next time you'll see!" he shouted in an irritated manner.
"Dream big princess" mumbled Escanor.
"Ok, everyone take a pic of the numberplate from Doragon's phone and split up, look for a computer with internet connection and locate the position of the car and type of car it is and come back to the gate. We'll meet here at about an hour, deal?" I asked.
"Deal" they replied.
And we were off, in search of the computer with internet. Doragon took the left side of the town, I took the center and Escanor took  the right.

15 minutes later

"Ah ha! Yes! A computer with internet!" I said in a joyful manner.
I had to act fast as the house was occupied, I got lucky and sneaked in. I grabbed the laptop and headed to the nearest ally.

Doragon's POV

OH MY GOD! Will I ever find a computer or even a phone? And if I do find one I doubt it will have internet. I hope the others are getting through.

Escanor's POV

WAW! How much burglar proof can one guy have! There is getting in or out of any of these houses unless you got a bolt cutter. Hope the others are making progress.

Xavier's POV

"Ok, thats all the info I need, let me just delete the search history and power off. I'm getting outta here before I get caught" I said putting down the laptop and walking back out the town. About an hour has passed now so they must be at the entrance of the town.
I could see my friends in the distance and instantly ran toward them.
"Any progress?" I asked.
"Not even a piece of shit!" exclaimed Escanor.
"For real though, its like those people are antisocial, no social media, not even people talking on the roadways" said Doragon.
"Well I made all the progress we need to find Celina" I happily said.
They were happy to hear this.
I explained to them clearly everything we needed to do.
But she was in the center of a drug cartel HQ. Why would a drug cartel capture her, anyway, that doesn't matter, we needed to get her out. Drug cartel guards and mostly all members had guns so we would be actively engaged in gun warfare. We made a plan, which we are by now perfect at making, and headed for the cartel's exit. The entrance would be actively and heavily guarded at all times so the back end would give us a sneaky edge.

The end of ch6, thanks for reading and see you in ch7.

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