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My life feels senseless, all time alone

I have nobody to speak, all my friends are gone

My heart is so lonely and my breath is away

My breath was my soul, so I'm despairing all day

There was a time when I loved the sun

I felt the spirit in this awesome feeling, it shoot life like a gun

I see mouths crying mute cries

I hear tears falling, directly out of their eyes

I feel pain in my heart, that seems me to kill

If there's nothing left to live, I think that I always will

There's no reason to believe in myself anymore

Sometimes I hear them calling me, down in the shore

Then I know, it is time to go

Time to be free like a bird in his wildest flow

Time to be ready for my last trip

My trip to paradise, I lick the tear off my lip


Poetry {english~german}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt