Chapter1: Busy mornings

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One cold morning ,the sun wasn't out yet but there was honking ,chatting and a whole lot of traffic already .The city was awake before the sun . The morning traffic was so loud that it could  be heard from the tallest of skyscraper and in a specific skyscraper lived a man in his mid 20's .He had long black slightly curled hair that ended above his broad shoulder and brought out his perfect jar line . His eyes red and had that mysterious look . He always managed to dodge the top of door frames ,skin was like caramel but he wasn't sweet .

He woke up to a gloomy apartment. He shuffled to the left of his bed but his delicate curled hair covered is face which prevented him from seeing the clock . he then parted his hair followed by rubbing his eyes in a sleepy mood and checked the time on his bed side table and rose from his huge bed .him being drowsy and half sleepy, dragged his legs across the room to make coffee in his small modern kitchen with marble counters and dark drawers best suited for single people . he then motioned himself to the dark bathroom which was the only enclosed area in front of his bedroom area , it seems like the whole apartment followed a specific scheme it being an open plan apartment with one room leading to another with no walls . He then left the bathroom in a mess and walked out with a towel around his waist while his curls bounced kissing his broad shoulders then contracting to touch his ears . he then turned to his huge closet , pulling out a set of leather pants , leather jacket , plain black shirt and boots . he then walked towards the living room at the far end of the room . The living room had an U shaped couch that was a grey colour and a huge tv he then discarded his towel that he was using to dry his perfect curls and chiseling jar line that still dripped with water from his hair . In that living room, there was something unusual it had a fireplace directly in lined with the door , that area had a face brick surface but the brick looked like it were mini drawers stacked upon each other .The entire apartment was drenched in darkness even though the sun was clearly out by now.

he walked to a wall that was beside the fire place and opened it to reveal a cupboard that was covered with engravings of mystical creatures and different symbols and sign . He wasn't interested in what was on the outside . He opened the heavy cupboard door to reveal two compartments . The first compartment was covered with complex locks , below that was the second compartment that had one simple lock . He then shifted his glance back to the first compartment that held something which made him very uneasy . He then shook his head making the curls bounce and continued with what he wanted from the second compartment. He took the key from the ashes of the fire place ,unlocked the cupboard door that revealed contact lenses . He then put it in his eyes turning red eyes into simple brown eyes .

Just then his phone rang .He frantically locked everything away and answered it ."Firnando we have a problem ". Before the caller could continue Firnando replied in a gruff sly voice "yes , I'm on my way". His name was Firnando and he left is penthouse, by using his own elevator outside his door perched against the hallway that ended right after his door , to meet with the person on the phone .firnando left the room in a mess but he didn't care . when he reached the ground floor he briskly walked pass the people around him but that did not make him invisible but the secret elevator was . Firnando was a head turner for the ladies but he had no room for that and paid no attention to the staring eyes. he then mounted his motor bike leaving his curls to fly in the wind .

He then arrived to a fully flourished forest .


Mike was a contractor and the leader of the demolition.

mike answered"I-i-i dont k-know sir."

"well I want it sorted OUT KNOW !"firnando yelled almost making a vein pop.

as mike was doing his demolition work , Firnando saw something green swoosh past him. Firnando smirked to himself and followed in the direction of the green object until it was in the middle of the forest. the green object turned out to be a woman dressed in a flexible iron crop top which was green, a green skirt , knee high boots along with a cute side plate surrounded with her curly hair that was obviously green . she also had a bamboo sick weapon pointed at Firnando . Firnando then looked down and put his hands up to surrender when suddenly fire possessed his body with out reaching flames that nearly burnt the green girl . She steeped back in precaution and looked at the flames in fear . Firnando screamed as if it was burning him . He then punched the ground in a kneeling position, the trees shook . In that moment the flames died down to reveal firnando's transformation .

His hair was still black but the tips had live flames . he had a black leather jacket with fire prints on the sleeves , his pants was no different it was black with flame prints on the side . His boots had a fiery tongue and had a gradient of red , orange and yellow . He also had black shades on . In the same kneeling position he looked up at the green girl who still had the bamboo stick towards him . firnando slid his shades down his nose to reveal his red eyes

He said in a sly voice "welcome back ............ Liolent " followed by a smirk.

She was shocked on how he knew her name . The expression was on her face . Firnando woke up from kneeling and started circling her and proceeded to say in a sly tone "oh don't be surprised, I know everything about you .Know let me tell you something how long do you think you protect this place , the tree's . He bent down to whispered in her ear (as she was shorter than him)"because in every story it must have an ending!" In that building rage he pointed at a tree, setting it alight with his power fire .

Firnando stared at the reflection of fire in liolent's eyes and froze thinking off(flash back : him running in the woods then it suddenly got dark, then hearing a voice promising him things and making him angry eventually his eyes glowed violent red ,he shouted setting the area around him on fire the voice laughed wickedly and said "that's the energy we can use .Now follow me )Firnando's eyes glowed and he punched the floor below him setting the forest on fire .Liolent was already in the sky and looked down upon him with a fearful look and used her bamboo stick to swoosh away . Firnando watched in anger and disappointment as she leaped away .He then turned his back and parted the fire . Once he left the ring of fire he went back to normal brown eyes along with his normal outfit . Mike started the construction work but firnando was so zoned out he never notice the world around him ,everything was silenced he only noticed the thoughts inside his mind .

When he arrived home he shut the door, closed the blinds that let in little light and went to the fire place and pulled a lever disguised as a light post that opened up a stair case leading him down .You see the sky scraper wasn't normal half of it was normal with people and their lives and the rest of the building was owned by Firnando .The stair case took him to what looked like a witches cottage with a couldron and some spell books were not on the shelves( but it was obviously messier than a normal witches cottage) .

The fire place came to life but it wasn't Firnando's power that brought it to life .

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