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From the flames leaped out liolent confused and scared . Liolent leaped and swayed on her magic bamboo stick all across the city until she settled on a building with an  ocean view .This spot was her relaxation space to be calm and reflect her thoughts and feelings and make gadgets . on this building she sat down making adjustment to her bamboo stick ,just as she was about to be done Liolent gets interrupted by a splash .What's so unusual about this ,it's because no one swims in that ocean  ever since the incident of unusual creatures eating people and that splash lured liolent to investigate the weird situation .

Liolent leaped of the building , landing on the hot beach sand . She got closer to the shore line ,so close that the water almost touched her boots .Liolent turned to leave deciding that it was nothing but a sea creatures .She turned to Face the buildings behind her , then all of a suddenly she got blasted off her feet barely able to stand with the enormous pressure of the water .it was in the distance   that water shot out like a volcanic eruption . Liolent was in a drowning state .The water soon after disappeared and Liolent struggled to get up from being sandwiched between the sand and water . Spitting out mud and tilting her head to the left getting the sand out and then tilted her head to the right to get the water out of her ear. as soon as Liolent started dusting herself she felt a tap on her shoulder. Liolent turned around slowly to be blocked from the ocean view, by a women shorter than her. She had free flowing hair that was a lightest shade of blue . She wore a swimsuit that was also blue with a pretty coral reef pattern .

She said "hi , so about that ,I just love making big entrances."  but she was wobbly barely able to stand and crashed to the ground casually, like a drunk person.

Liolent asked "so who are you " Liolent tried standing tall for intimidation .This method didn't work as the person infront of her was obviously not scared

She answered "Oh I'm Quamaria and you must be Liolent"
Liolent was know creeped out, two strangers knew who she was in one day .

Liolent asked Quamaria" how did you..."
Quamaria interrupted "don't worry I'll tell you when it's the next high tide till then go to the forest of the limmers that is all I need to tell you ."

Quamaria then turned into water and blended with the on coming wave that crashed on the shore. Liolent was even more confused but she was still on the beach and thought long and hard about the forest that Quamaria was telling her about , then she felt a breeze followed by leaves that came from  left side of her .

Liolent turned to see a blue and purple ring and in that ring was a forest where the breeze brought the leaves  from . Liolent walked slowly towards the rings of purple and blue . The closer she got the more she could hear a voice . Liolent then came to a halt right in front of the rings of purple and blue to hear clearly what the voice had to say "come dear ,help meee" just then the portal swallowed  her and  when liolent looked behind her she couldn't see the beach anymore ,she was know in a forest . Liolent decide to walk around to lookout for other life forms, as she started walking she saw a clear path and decided to follow it and as soon as she stepped on it ,the floor beneath her lit up she had this feeling of being on the right path and walked only on the trail until it stopped .

The trail lead her to the dead part of the forest it was all shades of black . Liolent felt horrified on the sight of this place . Liolent then closed her eyes and took a deep breath and when she opened her eyes she found a fully flourished forest by using her power earth and nature ,she held out her arms and embraced the power that flowed through her veins and out through her hands but the amount of pressure on her hands made the transformation agonizing for Liolent . It was alive and was different in a way that no one would understand .She spun around to get a better look on what she has done .she then came to a dead stop . she stared at it for she had a feeling of being watched from the shadows . she squinted and saw a figure with big piercing eyes and a row of sharp teeth that ascended and descended to form a wicked smile . liolent walked slowly towards it , her eyes where so fixed on it that she walked right into a boulder . Now looking at the boulder she didn't see it before the transformation .She examined the boulder, it had vines woven around, it was so thick that you couldn't see the boulder it just looked like a ball of vines . She then looked up in fear for she was sidetracked by the boulder the creature could've emerged or worse . She spun around hoping it was still in sight but the creature along with it's sinister smile vanished .

Liolent then focussed back on the boulder this time it glowed different colours from behind the vines, just then the vines parted to reveal a green glowing stone (pendant). Liolent plucked it from the boulder  and held it in the  palm of her hand . She studied it and turned it around to reveal it's engraved symbol . all of a sudden the pendant came to life it hovered above her palm and spun really fast in midair which startled her .The pendant then  flew towards her forehead and from this pendant came vines twisted and wrapped around her head to reveal a crown made of natures wonders. When the crown on her head was completed winds brought leaves that spun violently around her the leaves stuck on her then a spark burst through and blew the leaves away .everything settled to reveal Liolent's outfit changed to a beautiful long back and short front type of dress with an extended middle piece that was green with a branch pattern along the edges , wooden high-hills with creeper vines around it.(it looked like it would give her splinters with every step she took further) and on the upper part of the dress had a print of a huge tree with the root that travelled to the side of the dress .

The pendant glowed and let out a burst of energy as soon as the transformation was complete that went far and wide awakening things that should be ASLEEP.

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