CHAPTER 4:littlest one knows best

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Quamaria is the one we haven't explained in this adventure ,yet she is the most important .What we want to know will reveal it's self later but what we seem to know or the slightest idea of what we think we know is just a pigment of your imagine all you want but the story is what it is a mystery.

Back at the forest:

Liolent had just let out burst of energy followed by an awesome new outfit . all of a sudden a thick fog blocked her from seeing the boulder and even her own two feet but eventhough it was thick enough to blind her, she saw something glow from the distance but before she could make out what it was or even try to take a few steps toward, the fog disappeared .The fog cleared to show nothing of a forest or even the boulder but revealed a castle ruin near the seaside . Liolent didn't get an opportunity to check out what was glowing but now was lost again.

Liolent then felt water that touched her ankle that quickly washed away  as soon as she turned around . What liolent saw was Quamaria in a new outfit too with a fancy water flowing crown with the pendant on her forehead .She wore a dress that was the same length all around it was a silky material that glittered in the sun and jewelery made entirely out of water .
Liolent crossed her arms and said sarcastically " I thought you were coming in the next high tide ,and I thought you loved big entrances at least your outfit almost knocked me off my feet ."

Quamaria replied "well one other thing you must know about me is that I don't like suspense.oh I see you found your pendant cool,so shall we go in."

Liolent​ turned to the direction Quamaria pointed at and said "into that old castle I don't think so that thing looks like it's gonna fall any second."

Quamaria replied "well you've been around magic you should know nothing is ever  destroyed .Liolent don't you trust me ."

Liolent asked "may I ask ..."
Quamaria interupted"shh it'll all unfold eventually"

Liolent reluctantly went into the castle ruin with Quamaria leading the way. there was no door just crumbled bricks and shattered glass. Liolent stayed close to Quamaria most of the time she had to catch up to Quamaria a lot as she was side tracked by all the crumbled architecture and old paintings and stared at them in fascination as Quamaria payed no attention to her surroundings as she focussed on their destination.

Liolent whispered "what happened here looks like a fire or dragon declared his nest here or something ." Quamaria didn't reply to liolent's question and they continued walking pass the rubble and fallen bricks with a start face and created an arkward silence . They reached a door that was shiny and new Quamaria slowly opened it . the hinges squeaked as she opened it , to show what was behind the door . Behind the door was a room that was clean and shinny despite what was outside the room was huge inside and had a chandelier in the middle of the sealing that made light dance off of it . There where five thrown chairs with empty holes on top of each  chair and each chair was a different color in front of a huge window .
Liolent turned to Quamaria taking this opportunity to ask .

Liolent asked "who are you really I know your name but I don't know anything about you and the reason of you brought me here I was perfectly fine on my family farm."

Quamaria's eyes glowed a light blue and said " we are one but divided into five and left to survive ,but a circle or a cycle must meet its beginning point and go back to its origins .But before we can begin again we must train the power in ourselves to make a difference for good or bad .

Liolent said in a state of shock "so there's more out there "

Quamaria answered "yes and  be my guest to find the rest . to figure out the story for the glory "

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