Mi casa

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Hey guys! So I just want to thank you all so fricking much! I have reached 550 reads! That's amazing. Thank you thank you thank you.  What I want to say is this fanfic will soon be coming to a close. Yeah, its going to be pretty short, but thank you just for sticking with it. You guys have said such nice things so thank you again!



It took forever, but Tom finally did it. He cleaned his flat.

What surprised him most was it only took him ten minutes. Five minutes to spare, not bad.

Tom took this time to brew some tea. In his cupboards, the only tea to find is his favorite: Earl Grey. He put the water on the stove to boil and prepared the cups.

Just finishing up, his doorbell rang. Tom nearly jumped in excitement. It had been forever since he last saw Benedict. Maybe now was his chance to finally catch up.

Tom opened the door to find a smiling Ben.

"Ben! Oh my God how are you lately?" Tom asked excitedly. It kind of surprised Ben.

"Oh, well-uh, you know, fine. Up to the usual actor stuff."

The two sat in Tom's living room and told stories of things that happened on-set and things to happen.

"... I seriously am excited for Skull Island and working with Hugh Laurie... but Loki is character who will forever be in my heart."

Ben nodded in agreement. "Yeah I can relate that with Sherlock. He's just a character dear to me, but one day I'm going to have to let him go."

They sat a moment in silence, until Tom changed the subject.

"So the Imitation Game what's the news on that?"

"Oh God, I almost forgot! The red carpet is next week!"

Tom laughed. Ben took this as the chance.

"Yeah, about that. Kiera Knightly is aware of your work. We thought it'd be cool if maybe you came along to the red carpet?" Ben asked hopefully.

"Ben, I'd love to go. Thank you for the invitation."


After Ben left, Tom shut the door and thought back. Ben has always acted a bit different around Tom than other friends, like the stories he tells about Kiera and him. Also stories his friends tell about him. They just never sound like the same Ben he's used to.

Today he really saw it. The way he was dressed. It was just a bit too formal for casual. The way he held himself. Tom was familiar with that posture. It was how his dates held themselves. To show themselves off to him,  to show they are best for him, that they showed take them out somewhere nice.

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