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San fell onto the bed, finally done with cleaning the apartment. He huffed and rolled over onto his stomach and grabbed his phone.

San: Baby

San: Woo

San: Wooyoung

San: Babyyyy

Wooyoung: Hi Sannie.

San: I miss you.

San: Wyd?

Wooyoung: Bby I'm at work.

San: I'm sorry!

San: Go back to work I don't want you in trouble.

Wooyoung: My break is almost here. You're fine.

Wooyoung: Is Changbin there?

San: No bby

San: He doesn't get home til 8pm.

Wooyoung: I'll come over during my break

Wooyoung: Is that ok?

San: Please

San: I love you and I miss you

Wooyoung: I love you too baby boy

San smiled and put phone down. He sat up and looked in the mirror above their dresser, his smile dropping when he saw his black eye. He gently the bruise and winced a little. He fell back down on the bed, opening a drawer to his nightstand and pulling out an eye-patch, putting it on. He grabbed one of Wooyoung's hoodies(which he told Changbin he bought because it looked cute on him) and threw it on in order to hide the bruises that littered his arms. He changed into white skinny jeans to go with the dark blue hoodie. He went out to the living room, resting on the couch and watching tv until Wooyoung showed up. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door and the boy shot up. He looked through the peep hole and unlocked the door, opening it up and pulling Wooyoung in before either could speak. Wooyoung chuckled as the other hugged him tightly and rubbed his back, "I missed you." Wooyoung smiled and pulled away, placing the bag he had been holding on a nearby table, noticing the eye-patch. San noticed Wooyoung's smile falter and furrowed his brows, "What's wrong baby?" Wooyoung cupped the boys face, San placing his hand over Wooyoung's.

"He did this, didn't he? He hurt you again." San nodded, looking at the others chest, "I promise you I'll kill him." San chuckled and placed a kiss on Wooyoung's lips, "Sannie please.. Baby.. Come with me. He's not here right now. W-we have plenty of time to pack what you need, I can drop you off-" San shook his head and placed a hand over Wooyoung's mouth, shushing him.

"I'll be fine baby. Now's not a good time." San smiled and looked into the boys eyes, "Let's just enjoy this moment without worries, yeah?" He removed his hand to see Wooyoung smiling, the other just sighing and agreeing. He placed a kiss to San's forehead and grabbed the bag, placing it in San's hands.

"Brought you lunch. You like subway, right?" Wooyoung smirked and raised a brow. San chuckled and led Wooyoung to the kitchen.

Wooyoung had left when his break was over. The time was 8:07 and San had just finished checking for any mess he had missed, hiding the eye-patch, and changing into a light jacket. He was in the bathroom covering his black eye with makeup when he heard the front door open, "San?!"

"In the bathroom!" He finished and put the makeup away when Changbin appeared in the doorway.

"What's that for?" San jumped and spun around, a small yet forced smile present.

"W-well.. I know y-you don't like seeing my br-m-marks... S-so I was covering it up for you." San held his hands behind his back and stared at the ground. Changbin smiled and placed a hand on San's shoulder causing the other to flinch and shut his eyes tight. He moved San to look in the mirror and hugged him by the waist.

"Baby open your eyes." San opened his eyes to see Changbin holding up his chin and his arm holding him close to the other chest by his waist. It scared him, being so close to Changbin and being held so tight. Not tight enough to hurt him, but tight enough to where he wouldn't be able to escape if needed, "You're so pretty, you know that? My perfect boyfriend." San smiled, relaxing a bit. Changbin kissed down the boys neck before looking at him through the mirror. He smiled and held San's hands, crossing them over the boys chest.

"How was work? Y-you're happier today." San smiled and looked at Changbin's reflection. He noticed how the other furrowed his brows, "I- I mean you're always happy! It's just that today you're more.. you're beaming more than usual.." Changbin smiled and turned San around, pushing him onto the counter and pushing hair from the brunettes face.

"Today was good, but it's even better because now I can see you." Changbin leaned in, kissing down San's neck and rubbing his thighs, his hands eventually sliding up San's shirt.

Please don't.

Please stop.

Don't touch me.

I don't love you.

I don't want this.

It hurts.


If you loved me you wouldn't do this.

Wooyoung.. please help.. it hurts so bad

Want Wooyoung

Stop crying

He wants you to cry.

It'll be over soon.

Stop fighting or he'll hit you more.

I don't want to go back to the hospital.

Just accept it and it'll be over faster.





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