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San stood outside the door, hand trembling as it hovered over the knob that led to his personal hell. His hand wrapped around the cold metal as he turned it and slowly pushed the door open. The moment it opened fully and he stepped in, Changbin was leaning against the opposite wall, sending glares. He froze in his spot, shutting the door, shaking more, "You were with Wooyoung, weren't you?" San didn't answer as he just looked at Changbin, his hand slowly sneaking behind himself towards the doorknob. (TW: Verbal+Physical Abuse) Changbin noticed and walked over to him, pinning him to the door by his throat, "You fucking were, huh? Answer me." The boy clawed at the others wrist, trying to breathe. Changbin loosened his grip just enough for him to speak, "Were you. With Wooyoung?"

"I-I ju-just stayed th-the n-night." Changbin let him go and held him by his upper arm.

"Strip then." San's eyes widened and he shook his head. He held his shirt down as Changbin tried to force it up. This earned the boy a slap, Changbin practically ripping the others shirt up as San's hands went to his own cheek. Changbin chuckled at seeing the bite marks and hickeys. San froze, terrified to move. He let go of the fabric and looked at San, the boy already having tears gliding down his cheeks. He cupped San's face with his hands and made him look at him, "Oh baby.." Changbin wiped away the stray tears and San would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised, "You're such a fucking whore. No wonder I hate you so much." San's brows furrowed and he stayed silent for a few seconds.

"W-what..? What do you mean?" Changbin slid his hand to San's throat and squeezed. San gasped and clawed at his wrist, "Changbin..." His voice, strained and cracked, grew weaker; His breathing softening as Changbin tightened his grip.

"You're a whore Sannie. Just someone who likes to sleep around. I don't like whores baby. I don't like you. If I did, do you think we'd be in this situation? You're my play thing honey. You're good for nothing else except taking dick and beating. You're pathetic, a slut, worthless, useless. The list goes on." San could feel himself growing weaker and weaker as he struggled. Changbin just smirked and watched as the others eyes slowly shut as he slipped out of consciousness, his body going limp, and finally let go.

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Wooyoung: Is everything ok?

Wooyoung: Did he hurt you?

San: Everything's fine.

San: I just got yelled at.

Wooyoung: What?

Wooyoung: Did he come to his senses to stop hurting you?

San: Yeah. He apologized for everything. He said he's looking for therapy clinics.

Wooyoung: Oh baby boy I'm so happy

San: Wooyoung

San: I'm leaving you.

Wooyoung: What?

San: He's getting help.

San: I don't need you anymore.

San: I still love him.

San: You were just temporary.

Wooyoung: San

Wooyoung: San this isn't you

Wooyoung: What the fuck

San: It's actually me Wooyoung.

San: I really don't like you anymore.

San: Please stop texting me.

Wooyoung: San you can't be serious

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Wooyoung: No

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Wooyoung: San please..

{Message Not Sent}

Wooyoung: San this isn't you

{Message Not Sent}

Wooyoung: Is Changbin forcing you?

{Message Not Sent}

Wooyoung: Baby please

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Wooyoung stared at his phone screen. Well, he tried. The tears were blurring his vision. He couldn't help but drop his phone and hit the steering wheel a few times. He wiped his eyes and drove back to his home.

A/N: This is ending faster than I like but I don't know how to extend it ufhoshfophspfg But yes this is close to an end sadly ;( But I'm thinking about posting a Yeosang+Mingi fic after this but I'm not 100% sure.

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