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"Ok, can I read the letter now?" San leaned on the counter, brow raised as he looked at Wooyoung, "It's Christmas and it says not to read until today~~" The boy smiled and Wooyoung looked away from cooking towards him. He stayed silent and returned to cooking only to finally speak.

"Later you can." San huffed and sat on one of the stools, head resting on his hands and pouting.

"I've waited 7 months, please~" Wooyoung shook his head and San groaned. Wooyoung smirked and looked back to the boy.

"Only if you promise to be mine. Forever."

"I pro-"

"No San. Mine as in engagement." San's eyes widened and Wooyoung smiled, "So? Be mine forever? We're not exactly allowed to get married in Korea, but nothing's stopping us from being engaged." San stayed silent, taken back by his words, "Go to the tree and grab the smallest box to you. Open it." San smiled softly as he stood up, retrieving the gift and coming back. Wooyoung turned the stove to low heat and walked over, leaning on the counter as San opened the present. Inside the wrapping was a white velvet box. San opened the box to reveal a silver ring, the band separating into 2 and intertwining to make a rose with a diamond in the center, "I didn't think they'd sell 2 male engagement rings so I hope this is ok." San let out a giggle and nodded as he stared at it, "Are you nodding subconsciously or.. to agreeing to marry me?"

San looked up to Wooyoung and smiled, slipping the ring on his finger, "Yes. To marrying you. Of course. Why wouldn't I marry you?" Wooyoung smiled and leaned over the counter, the 2 sharing a sweet kiss before Wooyoung pulled away.

"Ok. Now you can read the letter." San giggled once again and Wooyoung smiled as San went to their room. He grabbed the letter that he kept on their desk and sat on the bed, opening it.

My new fiance,

If you're reading this, that means you agreed to marry me. Or you're too impatient and are reading it while I'm out or asleep. Either way, I love you so damn much that you don't even know. I don't care how much money I've spent on you and will spend on you. Nothing could help me express just how much I need you in my life. 

We first met in highschool, thanks to Hongjoong's help and us having the biggest crushes on each other. I'll always remember that day. It was the day I knew I needed you. That I needed to keep going and living on. I haven't told anyone this, but the day we actually had the courage to confess and date was probably the worst and yet best day of my life. My mother passed away and I wanted to do the same, and yet you showered me with so much love it made me forget what I was going to even do. God, I remember going to bed that night and just screaming into my pillow because I finally got the chance to be your boyfriend.

Yeah, we fought and broke up. But I never really stopped loving you. I broke up with you only because I thought I was making you miserable and I just wanted to see that beautiful smile. The one where it makes your eyes crescents and you become so much more beautiful than you already are. You know what I'm talking about.

The day I was going to apologize I found out you were dating Changbin. Senior year of college?  It honestly just pissed me off even more. Not that you were dating him, I didn't care who you were dating as long as they treated you well. It was that he got you. You know we never liked each other.

Anyways, I love you so much. You are the best thing that's happened to me. I know that's cliche and shit but I really fucking mean it. Out of all the people I know you're the only one who can truly cheer me up. I want to be able to do the same, especially helping you recover from him. I swear on my life, I'll protect you until the end. Even if it costs me my life, as long as your safe. You mean so much to me and the others. You still have a family. You have us. We all would go to hell if it meant you could go to heaven.

Thank you for even giving me a chance. Thank you for loving me and I truly do wish I could pay you back in more than just love in return. I would give you everything you want if that's what it takes to convince you that I love you.

Thank you for staying by my side. Thank you for becoming mine.


A/N: Hello!!! Thank you so much for reading and giving this fic chance despite the terribly long waits between chapters. Please feel free to check out my other fics if you want! I write about other groups aswell, not just Ateez although I do have another Ateez fic with Little Hongjoong(titled Secret Baby if anyone's curious!^^) I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you so much for even considering this fic out of the other fantastic WooSan fics

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