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"Yang and Daigo went to the city of vale to take a brake from their current objective."

Daigo:"Why are we back in the city of Vale?."

Yang:"For the millionth time Daigo, to get some supplies!."

Daigo:"But I'm bored, I just want to find some evil aliens to beat up."

Yang:"Well theres a group of alien over there Daigo."


Yang:"(Points) At the docks."

"Daigo looks towards the docks and sees three aliens fishing for something."

Daigo:"What the?."

"Daigo and Yang walk over to the group."

Daigo:"Excuse me, what are you fishing for?."

"The three aliens turn around."

Daigo:"Huh, never thought I would see you three aliens here."

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Alien Valky:"Shh, don't bother us, we're trying to catch a rare fish

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Alien Valky:"Shh, don't bother us, we're trying to catch a rare fish."

Alien Icarus:"Yeah, so don't bother us

Alien Nackle:"But you're welcome to watch us if you want."

Daigo:"Wait a minute, Daichi told me about a group of aliens that lived on his earth."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT VOL 2."Where stories live. Discover now