+Why they get mad at you

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Axl always gets mad at you cause he is really jealous. You can't have a male friend without he is thinking you're cheating, or he thinks you're losing your interest in him. He can sometimes respond to something so childish.

He hates it when you don't respond to his calls or when you are not home on time cause you're busy with something. He thinks you're being selfish then.

Popcorn gets mad at you for not taking him seriously. You always get distracted by his cute face or his hair.

He gets mad cause he does not like that you spend a lot of your time with Slash (U2 are BFF'S) Izzy gets a bit jealous then cause he thinks you like spending more time with Slash than with him.

Duff gets mad at you cause you don't do what he asks you to do. And you're really hard to get.

Sorry guys that are quite bad, but I did not know what to write about this subject.

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