Chapter 1 - High School Fling

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Joyce and Hopper had known each other right from the beginning kindergarten. He always noticed her in the school halls; she was unlike all the other girls. She didn't match the stereotypical cliches. She was unique and that is what he admired. They had always been quiet friends throughout middle school right up to high school. When they were in high school, Hopper always thought she was the most beautiful girl there. But she started dating an asshole. Lonnie Byers... he was the 'King of Hawkins High School'. Lonnie always sought Hopper out, picking on him and beating him up. Hop never understood how someone as great as Joyce ended up with someone as vile as Lonnie. Joyce hated how Lonnie treated Hopper. She always shouted at him to stop bullying him but he took no notice. Hopper didn't care though. He was glad Joyce stayed true to herself. He always looked forward to their enviro-science class every third period. They had been lab partners since the beginning of tenth grade and Joyce always tried to help him when he was struggling.

Hopper had a difficult home life. His dad was a drunk and was never around. He spent most nights in Joe's bar instead of supporting their family. His mother eventually left, leaving him with his dead-beat father. Joyce had a similar story. Her parents didn't even bother with her. They found comfort knowing they could understand each other when everyone else had their perfect family lives. Joyce and Hopper were friends throughout high school, but that was to stay a secret away from Lonnie. Lonnie was always quick to jump to conclusions. He loved to accuse Joyce of things she hadn't done and always joked that she'd want all the guys she talked to to be her boyfriend. Hopper hated this. He always had her back and she always had his. Secretly, they were best friends. Joyce and Hop often had to avoid Mr Cooper catching them smoking between fifth and sixth period. They'd always have to run and hide while finishing their cigarette. The end of tenth grade drew closer and closer and the junior prom was approaching.  A week before prom Mr Copper caught Hop smoking and banned him from prom. Joyce went with Lonnie to the prom. It didn't end well. Joyce stormed out the decorated sports hall with Lonnie shouting behind her. He wanted to ditch prom to go get drunk with his friends but Joyce just wanted one perfect dance. She sat in the carpark crying and alone. Hop knew Lonnie would disappoint her like he usually did. He waited in the carpark just in case. And it happened; he approached Joyce, taking off his warm jacket as he walked closer. He sat down next to her on the curb, placing his jacket around her shivering arms. "I'm so sorry this happened Joyce. I know you wanted a perfect night. You deserve a perfect night after all you've done for me" Hop quietly said. "I just wanted a perfect dance, is that too much to ask for?" Joyce cried back to him. Hopper stood up. He held is hand out to Joyce. Every breath you take was echoing  from the prom inside. "Will you have this dance with me Joyce?". Her eyes lit up. She was getting the perfect dance she had dreamt of since picturing her first prom. They swayed in the carpark slowly, looking into each other's eyes. It wasn't the dance she thought she would get, but it was still perfect, it was even better than she imagined. Hopper had always had loved Joyce from the moment he saw her. He always wanted to do right by her. This night, Joyce realised exactly who she was in love with. It wasn't that asshole Lonnie, it was Hop. The guy who she could always be herself around. They who would listen to her when she was anxious or upset. The guy who always made her laugh. Her true best friend. The song had ended but they were still slowly dancing together in the carpark. It had started to rain. They didn't care that there was no music or that it was raining and freezing cold; they just wanted to stay in that moment forever. As they continued to dance, their eye contact didn't break for a second. He looked down into her beautiful brown eyes. "Joyce, there's something I need to tell you" he whispered. "I already know" she whispered back as she tilted her head up towards his. They lips gently met. There were sparks immediately.  She knew he loved her, she could tell by how much he cared for her. This is who she was meant to be with for the rest of her life- if only either of them had realised then.

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