Chapter 5 - Three Simple Words

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Joyce had gotten into her car and started to speed away in a matter of minutes. She didn't care that it was freezing or that it was 4:30am or that she was going 30mph over the speed limit. Hopper was the only thing that was important then. Tears were streaming down her face as she sped down the highway. Within fifteen minutes she had drove to Hopper's cabin. She put her car in park and ran onto his porch, still crying as she knocked at the door. El answered the door, rubbing her eyes as she realised who it was. "Hey Mrs Byers, c'mon in". El knew exactly what was going on. She could tell something was wrong with Hopper when he picked her up from school. But when they drove past Joyce's parked green pinto, his face had an even greater sorrow on it. She could tell immediately after seeing Joyce's car what had happened. El let Joyce in, "I'll go wake dad then go back to sleep". Joyce nodded and started biting her nails as she waited for Hopper. She was still crying, a mixture of fear and love. She was so nervous that Hopper wouldn't talk to her but she knew she had to tell him she loved him.

El wandered into Hop's room. "Dad wake up". Hopper began to stir in his sleep. "Kid do you know what time it is, is something wrong?". Hopper started to look concerned at El. "It's Mrs Byers I think something is wrong you need to go see her". As soon as El had mentioned Joyce, Hopper was out of bed and already heading for his bedroom door. It didn't matter that he was in his flannel pyjamas, Joyce was the only thing that mattered. Especially if he thought something was wrong. He grabbed his keys and walked out into their living room.

Hopper stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Joyce stood in his living room. He was expecting her to be at home in one of her frantic states that he's found her in before at 5am. He was not expecting to find her in his living room. Nevertheless he was still worried about her. She was so happy to see him, but she couldn't stop crying. She tried to speak but all that came out were sobs. She threw her arms up in the air and managed to say a couple of words, "I was so stupid". She looked at him, tears streaming down her face, "Hop, I love you". She said it. She finally said the three simple words she had wanted to say since the night of junior prom. Hop didn't hesitate and walked straight over to Joyce, cupping her face in his hands as he kissed her. There were sparks immediately. There they stood in Hop's living room, their lips gently pushed together as they both communicated how they'd felt for the last 20 years. That kiss was everything. It was the beginning of their relationship that they'd been waiting for for as long as they could both remember. She stood tilting her head upwards to face his, tears still running from her eyes. His hands were warm as they cupped her cold cheeks. They could've stayed in that moment forever.

Hopper finally broke their kiss, a little sooner than Joyce would've liked. She groaned a little bit when he broke the kiss which made him giggle slightly. "Joyce, I have loved you for as long as I can remember". Hop's voice was shaky from the overwhelming amount of emotions he was feeling. "You are my, El and the boys... you are my world". A tear slipped down his face as he said this. Joyce wiped the tear from his cheek and pulled him into a hug before tilting her head back up to kiss him again. Hop looked down at her and stared into her eyes, smiling as he admired the women he loved.

They sat down on Hop's couch. That was when they realised how exhausted they were. They were coming down from a high like they had never experienced before. Hop sat with his arm around Joyce and she rested her head on his chest. She closed her eyes as she yawned. Hop started to laugh. "Tired Joyce?" He joked. "Don't judge me" she laughed back "I haven't been able to sleep... it's all your fault anyway, it was you on my mind". She opened her eyes and looked up to him as his eyes met hers. He kissed her head and pulled her closer to him. "How about we head to bed and pick this up in the morning?". Hop picked Joyce up as if she was his bride and carried her to his room. He placed her down on his bed as she got comfy. He lay behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her as close to him as possible. He snuggled his head into her neck. She could feel his beard again her neck as he kissed her again. She could sleep peacefully now. She had the man she had always loved.

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