Chapter 6 - Morning

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The morning had came around quicker than they had both liked. Joyce woke up curious to the warmth she could feel along her back. Hopper hadn't moved since they fell asleep. All night he held her close, his arm wrapped around her waist. Joyce reached for his hand that was on her waist, interlocking her fingers around his as she tilted her head upwards to see Hopper starting to wake up. She turned onto her other side so she was facing him. They were only inches apart from each other yet it didn't feel close enough. Hop still kept his arm around her waist as he looked down at the petite woman in his arms. "Morning sleepyhead" he smiled as he remembered what had happened earlier that morning. Joyce tilted her head upwards to place her lips on his; he returned the kiss, smiling at the same time. They lay in bed holding each other, neither of them wanting to get up.

Eventually Hopper had to get up for work. He didn't care that he'd only had 3 hours of sleep because of Joyce's unexpected visit. It was the best thing that could've happened to him, besides El coming into his life. He had his two girls and nothing could be more perfect. El was already up and dressed for school. Hop walked out into the kitchen leaving Joyce to get ready in his room. El stood at the toaster, waiting for her eggos to finish cooking. She looked up at Hopper as he came out his room. She just smiled at him, fully knowing what had happened at 4am. Hopper couldn't wipe the huge grin off his face all morning. Once El had finished her breakfast, she went in the bathroom to finish getting ready for school. Joyce snook out of Hopper's room, not wanting to answer the many questions El had for her. She walked up behind Hopper wrapping her arms around his stomach as he made a cup of coffee. Hopper turned around, cupping her warm face in his hands and leaning down to kiss her. "You want a cup?" He asked her. "I've got to get back for Will and Jonathan". Hop looked sad that she was leaving already. "Hey what are you doing tonight? Will and Jonathan are sleeping over at the Wheeler's. Maybe you could come round?" She smirked at him. "Joyce Byers... are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he teased back. "I'm sure El would love to have a sleepover at Max's... so I guess it's a date" he said excitedly. Joyce was smiling so hard that her face was aching. She loved him so much, she was so happy. "I'll see you tonight then... I might even pop into the station for lunch. Make sure you're there" she winked at him as she headed for the door.

Joyce pulled into the station with two handmade sandwiches for her and Hopper. She passed Flo's desk pointing at Hop's office to ask if he was in there. Flo nodded and Joyce walked past. She stood at the door, waiting for Hop to look up from his paper work. After 10 seconds he still hadn't notice. Joyce folded her arms, starting to get impatient. After 30 seconds Hop finally noticed. "Fucking hell Joyce..." he blurted out. "Oh nice to see you too Hop, I didn't realise fucking hell was now hello" she laughed. "I'm sorry babe... you scared the shit out of me" he laughed back. She smiled when he called her babe. She walked into his office, locking the door behind her. She placed the sandwiches down on his desk and lifted the paperwork out of his hands to sit down on his lap. Hop wrapped his arms around his waist and he looked up to meet her dark brown eyes. Joyce sat there gazing into his ocean blue eyes- she was mesmerised by them. She eventually broke the gaze to tilt her head down to kiss him. The kiss grew more passionate. Hop started to lift his hands up her waist under her top, stroking her sides. She broke the kiss laughing. "Erm what do you think you're doing James Hopper..." she joked. "You'll have to wait until tonight". Hopper groaned as she got off his lap to sit on the opposite side of his desk. Joyce opened the sandwich bags laughing. "God I can't wait for tonight" Hop whispered to himself. He sat eating his sandwich, watching Joyce eating hers. He loved everything she did. He was so in love.

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