Battle with narssasisum

12 0 1

(A/N) I haven't been putting (a/n) and know I'm mad at myself

Edd= Normal


Tord= Italics

Matt= Underline

Evil monster= underline and Italics

 UwU ~ OwO ~ UwO

No ones pov ofc
    "Uhh hey ugly monster" "That does not work because I know I'm beautiful" "Matt insult it" "Easy I insult people without knowing I do all the time" Matt says a cheesy insult and then Edd makes a cheese joke????

"Foooollllssss I do not have my own conscious I am connected to your friend hahhahahaah" "Acctually That's kinda what I thought you were I knew you were Narsassisum... " "Hey your mean" "Who dah fracadoodleie said dat!!!! " "Also I am not connected to that in enything way it's so ugly and it's voice sounds like it's being burnt" "This is litteraly your voice but Altered" "😭😭😭 I need help" "Nope I'm out I ain't havin Tord here" Tom runs out the room after kicking Tord...

    The monster chases Tom and Tom screams the monster wacks Tom unconscious!!! "Tim timmm wake uppp" Tom's eyes open and evryone except Tord is their... Tom refuses to get up because theirs no reason to....

    "Tom get up someone stole your Smirnoff" "No one else drinks Smirnoff so no way" "Someone broke Susan" "Susan is alreaddy broken" "Tord is reading hentai??? "" Oh noo I must stop him" Tom jumps up and he rushes past Matt and Edd and knocks them over like bowling pins makes sence he's part bowling ball!!! 

    This chapter was really short and I'm sorry for that I forgot xd and also this week seems to have gone by a lot faster than the weeks before . . .

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