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A/N: So, I decided to give my O.C. Daku his own story that is not a fanfic. Hopefully, you all will enjoy learning more about him and his journey to how he ended up in the Naruto verse. I do encourage those who have not read my Naruto Fanfic. Kitsune no Daku, i do urge you to go read it first. But if you don't that's fine too. It won't really ruin the story for you. :) 


Daku's Origin Story


It was the greatest honor the Maiden Hanna could have ever received. So many years of service to the Kitsune Goddess had rewarded her the man of her dreams. To be betrothed to Inari-sama's First Son, to be blessed with being the chosen mother to birth the Second Son of the Fox Goddess. She couldn't help the smile that graced her lips as she looked and the little black and blue tipped kitsune that was sleeping in her arms. Even though she was human and her husband a demon, the Mother of Kitsune had promised her that the little kit would have a nothing but a pure demon bloodline, he would carry on her human morals, but that was all that her little treasure would have that was from her; everything else would be inherited from her husband. Her little Treasure, Second Son of the Kitsune Mother, Son of the First Son, Patron of Blacksmiths and Warriors.

Hana was aware that her son's birth was a last minute plan to try and warm her husbands cold heart, for he despised his position as the Patron of Blacksmith's and Warrior's. Even her being his bride was part of the Kitsune Mother's plan to soften his views of the human race. Even knowing his disgust of her race, Hana loved him even before becoming his betrothed and she was sure that she would be able to win his heart over. Beside she held the symbol of her love for him in her arms.

"My little Treasure." She cooed softly to the sleeping kit, suppressing a yawn that threatened to escape, as she tried to situated them both in a more comfortable position.

Her mate and husband was at the entrance of the den that she had painstakingly made in preparation for their kit, and like any child and the Kitsune Mother, he would guard them while she and their kit slipped into the much needed magical sleep for fifty year. Although a female kitsune demon would sleep longer to help strengthen the kit as much as possible, the Kitsune Mother had foretold that it would not be possible for Hana to sleep for so long. Fifty years was apparently pushing it as it was, but it would be long enough for their kit to store up power and energy. To create a bond between her and her sleeping kit. Hana had been told that during this sleep she would not have to worry about time touching her, she would awake with her kit and full of refreshing energy. Inari-sama had even promised to visit her, just to check on her mental health. Although her husband had said little to nothing of the occasion, he did not go away either. Which for Hana was a good sign. She would show him what a good mate she was, by preforming everything any other kitsune mate could.

"When we wake, my treasure, your Father will be right here to greet us. We will be one big happy family." She said, sleepily, cuddling herself closer to her kit. "Want that be nice, my sweet little Treasure." Just before closing her eyes to sleep for the next fifty years.

Hidden outside the den that was poorly made and unworthy to hold his offspring for the ritual sleep for the next five decades. The First Son of Inari-sama stood just outside refusing to set foot in such a despicable looking den, gazing at what the Mother of Kitsune's had laughingly claimed to be his bride; or his mate if you rather, slip to sleep cradling his offspring. He would have rather rip the kit away from such an unworthy mother figure. He believed his mate should have been a full demon; not a human, but at least that would not affect his offspring; It was blessed to be born a full blooded demon, worthy to carry his legacy, at least Inari-sama was merciful with that. "What was Mother thinking?!" He scoffed, turning away from his newly formed family.

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