Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Kuro's POV:

Koi and I was were walking away from the other kitsunes. According to Koi she was going to go see Inari-sama and ever since I could remember I have always heard that every kit has seen and has been marked by the Goddess as well. I have never even see our Goddess, I've only been told about her. I wanted to see her too, I was getting tired of being the odd one out. I already obtained my fifth tail not too long ago. Apparently that too was odd, considering I was not old enough to have this many tails. It just made me desire even more to see the Goddess.

"But everyone else has seen Inari-sama!" I said, stubbornly. Trying to convince her that I wanted to go. That I needed to go.

"And you shall see her too. But now is not that time, my little one." Koi explained, never stopping in the sedated pace that we were traveling.

"The other kits, get to see her on the day of their birth. I want to see her too. I never saw her on the day of my birth." I said, not wanting to be left behind. Now I was a freak in another aspect, Inari-sama has yet to show herself to me. It was almost unheard of for a kitsune kit to to see The Mother on the day of their birth.

Koi has been called to visit the Mother in the other plain. This was one of few chances I would have. We walked to one of the shrines that was made for Inari-sama in our mountains. The familiar doors were already waiting for her.

"Kuro, please understand that it is not time for you yet. Now, I must not keep Inari-sama waiting." Koi said, patting my head, and went to walk into the magical shrine door, that led straight to the other plain and to the Mother.

Not wanting to be left alone and the only one who has yet to see the other plain and the Mother. I ran after her. "I'm coming too!" I called, a big grin spreading on my face, knowing as soon as I stepped in after her and the doors closed, she could not send me back.

"What?!" She turned. "Kuro! No! Stop!" She shook her head.

Not listening, I made to jump into the shrine door, but was repelled backwards, as soon as my foot hit the threshold. The doors slamming shut, not allowing Koi to come back. I watched shocked as the door disappeared. I looked at my hands and watched the burns that the I had obtained from being repelled, and watched as they knitted back together. No kitsune was rejected by the Mother. We were all suppose to be able to enter the other plain without problem. Why was I repelled? Why? Is it because I could not shift?

I looked around not understanding why I couldn't simply just follow Koi? I hiccup and rubbed at my eyes. Was I really so different that I couldn't go to the Other Plain as well?

Koi's POV:

"Oh, my Goddess!" I breathed out.

He had tried to follow me. I stood there for a long minute just staring at the two large double doors, straining to hear if he was okay on the other side after being repelled like that; even though I knew I would be able to hear nothing. Kuro had never been repelled and I had hoped that he would never experience such a thing, but I guess that hope just shattered. Turning as the door disappeared, I started my trek to meet up with Inari-sama and Kannon.

"There you are. What took you so long?" Kannan said, once she caught sight of me. She and Inari-sama were already sitting and drinking tea. Inari-sama bowed her head in greeting to me, and I in turn returned the gestured.

"Apologizes little Kuro was begging me to let him come with me today. I tried to persuade him otherwise." I explained, them hung my head in sadness. "I was unsuccessful. He got repelled at the doors."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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