Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Am I Bad Luck?

Kuro's POV

We were all out enjoying the weather today in the meadow. Our teacher wanted us to improve on our skills, either in hybrid form or human form. I had chosen the hybrid form and with Kio's help before class, had shifted into it. We were to act normal, and learn to control ourselves in these forms. To keep our energies contained, and less erratic. It was fun, and hard at the same time. It didn't take long for us all to start deviating from the task at hand and started playing. The ones who had managed to turn full human, began chasing those of us still in hybrid form.

"I am a human! I want your fur!!"

"Ahh!! Run! A human!"

"Hahaha! I am faster in this form!"

We were all jumping and running around trying the human version predator and prey; without the biting and scratching. "Now kits remember your suppose to be controlling yourselves. Take this seriously now." Our Sensei cautioned.

"Hey Kuro!" Hanh called. "Duck!"

"Gotcha!!" I crouched out of the way in time for Taavi to miss his pounce and fly over me.

I laughed as he clumsily saved himself, skidding just a little as he righted himself. "Grr, Hanh no fair, no helping." He growled.

"The only rules are not to get caught!" Hanh laughed, nudging me in the side as we both doubled over laughing. "Speaking of..." She smirked.

"Uh oh!" I did a fast turn missing her playful swipes.

"Get back here and let me catch you! Haha!" She called giving chase.

"Never!" I challenged, looking back.

We were all just having a good time. This was the one lesson we were all excited for, and together we were being ourselves and for once it felt like I was fitting in. Even Taavi was treating me like any other kit. Well as good as he could anyway. He still called me names, but I could live with small victories. "Grrrour!!" Hanh growled, catching up with me and pouncing on my back, bringing us both to the ground. "Yes! I got you!" She cheered, her perfect human appearance disappearing her ears and tail popping out.

"I let you." I defended laughing with her.

"Yeah sure. Now you catch me." She shouted running away.

Everything was going so great today. "Everyone run!" Sensei yelled.

"What?" Me and Hanh looked around not understanding the panic coming from our teacher. The rest of the class seemed just as confused as we were. Until we were rained on by arrows that seemed to come from the sky. And the bushed erupted with human men, swinging weapons and nets. Everyone screamed and started running away.

"Come on you idiots! Run!" Taavi shouted, already in kitsune form. Hanh quickly shifted and as we ran to catch up with him. Dodging and skittering about trying our best to get way. "Kuro, you idiot shift!" Taavi ordered.

"I-I'm trying!" I whimpered, as we hid behind a large tree, watching as humans still searched for us.

Hanh had herself hidden slightly under Taavi as he was the bigger of the two of them. "No your not."Taavi growled. "You're over a hundred and fifty years old. You should be able to shift if you were trying!"


They spotted us. Taavi shoved at me, putting me in plain sight. I could feel myself start to hyperventilate. He was going to give me over to the humans! And I couldn't shift out of my hybrid form. I was trying. I didn't understand why he could understand that. "Taavi!" Hanh, grabbed my hand between her teeth pulling me back behind the tree.

Kitsune no Daku: Daku's Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now