Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: The Strange Human

Koi's POV:

Kannan was sitting in a tree and I was laying on the ground enjoying the sun. It was a nice quiet day, and all the little kits were off playing and practicing for when they could perform for the Mother. Kannon was up in her tree playing with a flower crown that she had seen some human children create and was now determined to master the creation of it. We were here to conference on Kuro's development. He was growing wonderfully, although still unable to shift into different form. It was becoming worrisome. What if forcing his shift so young, had destroyed his chances of ever being able to shift? Would he have to be assisted for each change for the rest of his life? If that was so then nothing short of the Mother could help him. And what of his powers, we haven't tested for that yet? What if he wasn't able to wield his powers? Maybe we didn't just stunt his ability to shift but to use the powers gifted to him?!

"I can hear you worrying from up here." Kannon announced dropping her finished flower crown from the tree and onto my head.

I looked up at her slightly annoyed. "Its only natural that I worry for him. What if that night stunted something inside him?"

Kannon looked down at me with a slightly annoyed and bored look in her eyes. "Look, Koi I examine him whenever I get close, and I am here to tell you nothing is out of place. Even his energy signature is normal."

"But-?" I started.

"Normal!" She snapped. "Fluctuation and all. The only problem he has is being a late bloomer. Your brother didn't do him any favors, leaving his training to a human. What did you think was going to happen? He was untrained from the very beginning." She said with a shrug of her shoulders.

I growled lowly at her, for bad mouthing a maiden of Inari-sama. "

"Hey, I'm just saying. A human cannot be responsible in teaching a young demon on how to be a demon, Maiden or no."

I huffed, knowing she was right. "Then what should I do. My energy, each time I use it to help him shift, it hurts him. We are not compatible." I murmured.

It really hurt me to see him in pain whenever he wanted to shift into a different form. Sometimes I could talk him out of shifting but other times it was required for him to but in a certain form for class. He wasn't too keen on shifting either. I could see it in his eyes.

"That could be part of the problem. His brain has only ever known shifting a painful, because those who have helped him shift are not of the same energy, the same chakra, including his human mother. What you need is someone who can balance with him."

I sat up look at Kannon in the tree. She herself had fix herself where she was laying facedown on the branch, looking straight ot me.

"You and your brother balanced out for a while. He representing the more human aspects of Inairi-sama and you the kitsune. She gave you the power to govern all the kitsunes but nothing for the human. You can't even shift to full human yourself. Now your brother, never even had the ability to shift. He was to remain looking like a human. Well, what if that could be the problem?"

"You are saying that with both parents unable to shift, and his only experience was given to him through someone incompatible that subconsciously he doesn't want to shift?" I tilted my head in question.

"Exactly!" Kannon smiled. "Deep down he doesn't want to shift. But if could show him that it wouldn't hurt with an energy just like his..."

"That would mean taking him to his Father. My brother." I snapped. "Not going to happen."

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