Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: What is My Purpose?

Kuro's POV:

"Na, na, nana, na~You can't shift~ Na, Na!~"

"Your an abomination to the kitsune race!"

"Are you going to cry freak?!"

"Loser! Loser!"'


"Crybaby, crybaby!~" Sang a couple of kits who were at least fifty years older than me, but there were also some my age and younger joining in.

However they were right too. I should be able to shift into all three forms by now, and yet I couldn't. I still needed the help of Koi, if I wished to change my form. I didn't ask her to change me too much, it felt uncomfortable when her chakra, ran through my body dragging out which ever form I wanted to be in for the day. It wasn't painful or anything, and Koi was very careful when helping me, but the experience made me warry of shifting at all. It just looked so easy seeing everyone else shift so flawlessly from one form to another. Yet I could not. Turning away from the group I ran into the den, I shared with Koi, not caring I was going to miss going to class for the day. No one must know I cried over a little teasing.

Warriors don't cry!


Warriors don't cry!


I kept trying to chant this in my head, as I tried to calm down. I didn't like the teasing and so far I had been doing a great job at ignoring all the teasing, but as the years went on and the longer I stayed unable to shift on my own, the words were beginning to hurt a lot worse. What if I never become able to shift?

"Kuro?" Kio peeked her head into the burrow. "Your suppose to be in class?"

I sniffed, and tried to held the hurt from my voice, so she wouldn't know I was crying. "I don't feel good today." I fibbed.

"You want to talk about it, little one?" She asked, stepping further into the burrow.

I looked over my should at her. I never would tell Kio this, but I envied her. Even though she was different, the kitsunes looked up to her as a leader. One day I want to be like her. I want to be accepted and looked up to. Instead of looked down upon all the time. Kio tries, but she can't be everywhere I am all the time. "I'm too different." I sniffed. "I don't know why I'm here. Why was I born if I have no purpose like the other kitsunes?" I asked.

Kio curled herself around me, her tails tucking around me like a nice fluffy blanket. It was so comfortable. "Little one, trust me when I say that you have a purpose, but only the Mother can tell and give you your purpose. You must be patient and not let what others say upset you." She said soothingly.

I sniffed and rubbed my eyes with the back of my paws. "Okay." I nodded, drying it up and puffed my chest out proud.

"That's my kit." She praised, licking the side of my face. "Now, how about you come help my with a few chores." She said, getting to her feet and picking me up by the scruff.

"I hate chores!" I protested.

"You'll like these." She said between her teeth.

I put my ears back not liking that I got roped into doing whatever it was we were doing. Kio carried me out and away from the Kitsune Territory and toward the humans territory. At the edge of our territory she placed me down. "Stay close to me now." She insisted, as her form shift to a one tail fox. Her size changing to that of a normal fox, although she was still taller than me. She touched her tails between my forehead and I felt fire spread through me as my body changed on me, my tails disappearing and my size shrinking to a normal fox kit. I managed to keep the painful noise down to a minimum during the change, but I could always see that Kio new that the forced changes hurt me. There wasn't much we could do though. It was the reason I tried to stay in one form. "Come." She directed taking off in the direction of the human villages.

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